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1. expiry date is displaying as 9/18/2016
2. ENG - 1m and FRA - 3m product icon in the cart is different from all other online product icons, is that by design?
3. 1m, 3m, 6m, 12m online product names in the cart have an asterisk added at their end like for ex: "French Online scription 6 months*". But there is no corresponding footnote to that asterisk.
4. cd backup label in ipad and iphone is wrapped in 2 lines
5. i see 2 omniture getting fired on page load
6. event23, eVar13, eVar39 are not fired (this is long time outstanding issue)
7. event 18 is seen in two different omnitures - one is having event18 alone another with event19 and event18
8. In iphone, i don't see the cart icon and hamburger menu in the header
9. I am not able to see the promocodes in cart for backup cds as it is displaying for all other products
Price differences in cart:
ENG - S5 Download, Backup CD (same promo code that is applied for the associated cd/dl product is applied even to backup cd, thats why it displays a wrong price)
All Language - S5 CD, S5 DL, S3 CD, S3 DL, 24m
ENG - S5 Download, Backup CD (same promo code that is applied for the associated cd/dl product is applied even to backup cd, thats why it displays a wrong price)
FRA - 6m
For FRA 12m, eventhough "manila_12m"/"anchorage_12m" is passed to cart, i see "PROMO CODE APPLIED: tremblant_12M"/"PROMO CODE APPLIED: kiev_12M" in cart product description.
ENG - S5 Download, Backup CD (same promo code that is applied for the associated cd/dl product is applied even to backup cd, thats why it displays a wrong price)
all Language - S5 CD, S5 DL