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/* Imports */
import fse from "fs-extra";
import { execSync } from "child_process";
import yaml from "js-yaml";
import { pages } from "./i18n/pages";
import { fastSpringPathsInclude, fastSpringConfigurationFromPath } from "./modules/fastspring/path-configuration";
import { INITIAL_VIEWPORTS } from "@storybook/addon-viewport"; // Storybook addon better defaults for viewports
* The environment. This will be used to load the right
* .env.* file when compiling. It should be either
* 'staging' or 'production'. Use production as default to ensure
* urls with .stg in them never make it to production.
const ENV = process.env.env || "production";
* The locale we are generating pages for.
* LOCALE can be either en, es, de, etc.
const LOCALE = process.env.locale || "en";
* Config values to store in env vars so we can use in components.
* It's like .env files, but lets us use yaml. Seemed like the better approach
* as opposed to having .env.es.stg, .env.en.stg, .env.es.prod, .env.en.prod, etc
const CONFIG = require("dotenv-yaml").config({ path: `.env.${ENV}.yaml` }).parsed;
* A Group is basically a template. For instance,
* if GROUP is 'catalog-pages', we will store our app in
* `_nuxt-catalog-pages/`. Pages that don't belong in a group,
* will use default `_nuxt-single-pages/` dir. So this means that when
* deploying a page that does not belong to a group (ie, homepage),
* all other non-group pages will be deployed too.
const GROUP = process.env.group || null;
* This is the deploy folder. Normally it should just be 'dist/'.
* Because landing page generation has to create two dist folders (one for
* `en' and one for 'es' locale), we have to change the name, so that the
* contents of 'dist/` don't get overwritten when generating the next locale
const distDir = GROUP === "landing-pages" ? `dist-${GROUP}-${LOCALE}` : "dist";
* Routes for our dynamic pages - normally a dir inside group/.
* If the group is single-pages, we don't need a route because
* those are the pages on the root ftp server (ie, /homepage, /freetrial, /demo, etc), and
* are not dynamic. Read more about dynamic routing here
* https://nuxtjs.org/api/configuration-generate/#routes
const routesMap = {
"landing-pages": getLandingPages,
"catalog-pages": getCatalogPages,
const route = GROUP === "single-pages" ? null : routesMap[GROUP];
* The publicPath, which is determined by LOCALE and GROUP.
* This is the _nuxt* dir, where js files for the app are stored.
* We create different ones so we can deploy parts of the site independently,.
* Each group gets its own app folder (_nuxt-<group>-<locale>) so we can deploy
* a group by itself without breaking the site. For example, deploying `single-pages`
* will deploy the html files, and js app directory _nuxt-single-pages, leaving the html files
* and app directory of landing-pages untouched (_nuxt-landing-pages)
const publicPath = `/_nuxt-${GROUP}-${LOCALE}`;
const config = {
target: "static",
env: {
// render: {
// asyncScripts: true,
// },
* Auto imported components which does away with the need
* to import every component in the nuxt pages.If a component
* is stored in a sub-folder of the components directory,
* prefix the component name with the name of the folder and
* an import statement need not be added.
* Add "lazy" prefix to auto-imported components to enable
* lazy load of that component on the page Lazy loaded components
* still must be provided a condition on which to load and is not
* automatically assumed to be when the component comes into the viewport.
components: true,
* Customize the progress-bar color
loading: false,
* Global CSS
css: ["~/assets/css/normalize.css", "~/assets/css/fonts.styl", "~/assets/css/mixins.styl"],
* Global <head> element
* Only GTM here at the moment. May later add as a plugin to keep nuxt config cleaner
* Not using the community GTM module anymore since it does not allow for customization of GTM environments
head() {
if (this.$nuxtI18nHead) {
const i18nHead = this.$nuxtI18nHead({ addSeoAttributes: true });
return {
htmlAttrs: {
meta: [{ charset: "utf-8" }, { name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" }],
link: [
{ rel: "shortcut icon", href: "/favicon.ico" },
{ rel: "preconnect", href: "//resources.rosettastone.com" },
rel: "preload",
as: "font",
href: "/nuxt-assets/fonts/effra/effra.woff",
crossorigin: true,
rel: "preload",
as: "font",
href: "/nuxt-assets/fonts/gotham/gothamhtf-book.woff",
crossorigin: true,
rel: "preload",
as: "font",
href: "/nuxt-assets/fonts/helvetica/helvetica.woff",
crossorigin: true,
script: [
hid: "gtm",
innerHTML: `(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start':new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src='https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl${
this.ENV === "staging" ? "+ '>m_auth=p61245cv7fFWvNjVaBm10g>m_preview=env-249>m_cookies_win=x'" : ""
hid: "optimize",
src: "https://www.googleoptimize.com/optimize.js?id=OPT-5VBSJ4Q",
async: true,
noscript: [
hid: "gtmnoscript",
innerHTML: `<iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-TLH67WS${
this.ENV === "staging" ? ">m_auth=A4nRhWPBAjR6j8iRa343MQ>m_preview=env-249>m_cookies_win=x" : ""
}" height="0" width="0" style="display:none visibility:hidden"></iframe>`,
body: true,
__dangerouslyDisableSanitizersByTagID: {
gtm: ["innerHTML"],
gtmnoscript: ["innerHTML"],
* Plugins to load before mounting the App
plugins: [
{ src: "~/plugins/globalErrorHandler.js", mode: "client" },
{ src: "~/plugins/swiper.js", mode: "client" },
generate: {
dir: distDir,
crawler: false,
routes: route ? route() : null,
// exclude: [/ww-fastspring/gi],
hooks: {
"generate:route": ({ route, setPayload }) => {
* FastSpring Localization Routing
if (fastSpringPathsInclude(route)) {
const config = fastSpringConfigurationFromPath(route);
const model = JSON.parse(fse.readFileSync(config.modelPath, "utf8"));
setPayload({ locale: config.locale, masthead: model.mastheadText, id: model.id });
if (/gift/.test(route) || /regalo/.test(route)) {
const model = JSON.parse(fse.readFileSync(`../data-models/${LOCALE}/json/products/gift.json`, "utf8"));
setPayload({ model });
if (/coaching-upgrade-2/.test(route)) {
const model = JSON.parse(
fse.readFileSync(`../data-models/${LOCALE}/json/products/coaching-upgrade-2.json`, "utf8")
setPayload({ model });
return; // NOTE THIS
if (/crm-coaching/.test(route)) {
const model = JSON.parse(fse.readFileSync(`../data-models/${LOCALE}/json/products/crm-coaching.json`, "utf8"));
setPayload({ model });
if (/\/coaching-upgrade\/?$/.test(route)) {
const model = JSON.parse(fse.readFileSync(`../data-models/${LOCALE}/json/products/crm-coaching.json`, "utf8"));
setPayload({ model });
if (/\/coaching\/?$/.test(route)) {
const model = JSON.parse(fse.readFileSync(`../data-models/${LOCALE}/json/products/crm-coaching.json`, "utf8"));
setPayload({ model });
// If we have a group, delete any other file that isn't the html files we need,
// so that Jenkins can push everything inside dist/ with no worries.
// Similarly, if we're deploying single-pages (pages that don't belong to a group),
// we remove the groups/ directory.
"generate:done": () => {
* nuxti18n will create directories named after each locale not compiled for.
* ie, if we run `generate:single-pages:en`, it will create directories named
* `es/`, `pt/`, `kr/`, etc and put compiled files for that locale in there.
* We don't want that, we only want to upload the locale we compiled for, which is root.
* We grab list of available locales by reading the keys of any entry from i18n/pages.js
const locales = require("./i18n/pages.js").pages.buynow;
delete locales[LOCALE];
for (const locale of Object.keys(locales)) {
* Landing pages is a bit of a special case because we deploy both en and es
* locale with 1 deploy. So after nuxt is done generating each locale, we bring the
* interested folders into the dist/ folder so Jenkins can push it in one go.
if (GROUP === "landing-pages") {
// Takes dist-landing-pages-{LOCALE} and put in to dist/landing-pages-{LOCALE}
execSync(`cp -R ${distDir}/groups/ dist/`);
// Copy the _nuxt folder from dist-landing-pages-{LOCALE} into dist/
execSync(`cp -R ${distDir}/${publicPath}/ dist/`);
// Copy assets too
execSync(`cp -R ${distDir}/nuxt-assets/ dist/`);
// Try to put data-models inside /nuxt-assets in case we're compiling
// product pages. This will let, ie, catalog pages include from
// `<script src="/data-models/,,,>
try {
execSync("cp -R ../data-models dist/");
execSync("cp -R ../data-models/ dist/nuxt-assets/");
} catch (e) {
// Catch error
// If we're not uploading single pages, delete everything
// that is not the 'groups' directory so when rsync pushes everything
// inside dist/, singles pages (home page & siblings) don't go with it.
if (GROUP !== "single-pages") {
execSync("ls -d dist/* | egrep -v 'groups|static|nuxt-assets|_nuxt*|data-models' | xargs rm -rf"); // TODO: Maybe check quotes around 'groups|static...' section
// Move catalog pages inside root dir so we don't need nginx alias to map /groups/catalog-pages/comprar-*
// to /comprar-*. For this to work, there must be a custom route in the router section of this file.
if (GROUP === "catalog-pages") {
execSync("mv dist/groups/catalog-pages/* dist/");
// Sitemap Index Copying
// This is done at this location so we can insure the correct locales
// are used when uploading the sitemap index. The sitemap index is currently a manually
// created file and should not need to be updated often.
execSync(`cp ${distDir}/nuxt-assets/sitemapindices/sitemapindex-${LOCALE}.xml dist/`);
"generate:routeFailed": (errors) => {
console.log("-------- ERROR GENERATING ROUTES --------");
router: {
extendRoutes(routes, resolve) {
// Pages aliased by nginx must be listed here, or JS won't run on compiled page.
path: "/lp/(sbsr|sbsr-es)/*",
component: resolve(__dirname, "pages/groups/landing-pages/sbsr/_sbsr/_.vue"),
path: "/lp/(pricing|pricing-es)/*",
component: resolve(__dirname, "pages/groups/landing-pages/pricing/_pricing/_.vue"),
path: "/lp/(ppc|ppc-es)/*",
component: resolve(__dirname, "pages/groups/landing-pages/sbsr/_sbsr/_.vue"),
path: "/(buy|comprar)-*",
component: resolve(__dirname, "pages/groups/catalog-pages/_.vue"),
** Nuxt.js Build Modules
buildModules: [
// Doc: https://github.com/nuxt-community/stylelint-module
filterBeforeCreate: (toast, toasts) => {
if (toasts.filter((t) => t.type === toast.type).length !== 0) {
// Returning false discards the toast
return false;
// You can modify the toast if you want
return toast;
["@nuxtjs/router-extras", { routerNativeAlias: false }],
// Doc: https://github.com/nuxt/postcss8
cache: true,
emitWarning: true,
emitError: true,
extensions: ["js", "vue"],
failOnError: true,
failOnWarning: true,
fix: true,
lintDirtyModulesOnly: true,
** Nuxt.js modules and config/options
* If you use other modules (eg. nuxt-i18n), always declare the sitemap module at end of array
modules: [
parsePages: false,
seo: true,
lazy: true,
langDir: "i18n/",
defaultLocale: LOCALE,
locales: [
code: "es",
iso: "es-419",
file: "translations.js",
domain: "espanol.rosettastone.com",
code: "pt",
iso: "pt-BR",
file: "translations.js",
domain: "pt.rosettastone.com",
code: "ko",
iso: "ko",
file: "translations.js",
domain: "kr.rosettastone.com",
code: "en",
iso: "en-US",
file: "translations.js",
domain: "rosettastone.com",
directiveOnly: true,
observerConfig: {
rootMargin: "10px 0px",
threshold: 0.01,
// Doc: https://github.com/juliomrqz/nuxt-optimized-images
optimizedImages: {
handleImages: ["jpeg", "png", "svg", "webp", "gif"],
optimizeImages: true,
optimizeImagesInDev: true, // NOTE: If needing to troubleshoot image optimization, feel free to change the value
mozjpeg: {
quality: 80,
gifsicle: {
interlaced: true,
optimizationLevel: 3,
webp: {
preset: "default",
quality: 75,
storybook: {
addons: [
/* @nuxt/storybook and storybook are inconsistent on what should
* come in addon-essentials by default, so certain addons may be redundant
"@storybook/addon-measure" /* The icon for this has been showing up invisible... */,
stories: ["~/components/stories/**/*.stories.js"],
parameters: {
viewport: {
// This is inluded in every component, so be careful or it will clutter.
styleResources: {
stylus: ["~/assets/css/variables.styl"],
* Currently we are only generating the sitemap on ES locale. This will likely change with future requests.
* By default, the sitemap is setup to the following path: /sitemap.xml
* All static routes (eg. /pages/about.vue) are automatically added to the sitemap, but you can exclude each of them with the exclude property.
* For dynamic routes (eg. /pages/_id.vue), you have to declare them with the routes property. This option can be an array or a function.
* In addition, the routes defined in generate.routes will be automatically used for the sitemap.
sitemap: [
// {
// path: `/sitemap-${LOCALE}.xml`,
// trailingSlash: false,
// filter({ routes }) {
// return routes.filter((route) => route.locale === LOCALE);
// },
// gzip: false,
// },
exclude: ["/**"], // Exclude static routes in /pages
path: `/sitemap-catalogs-${LOCALE}.xml`,
trailingSlash: true,
routes: async () => {
const catalogPages = getCatalogPages();
return catalogPages.map((page) => `/${page.payload.language.catalog}`);
gzip: false,
* Build configuration
build: {
babel: {
plugins: [["@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object", { loose: true }]], // Temporary fix for log flooding until https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/pull/9631 is resolved,
// The _nuxt directory inside dist/
// Watch this directory for changes, too.
watch: ["~/data"],
html: {
minify: {
collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
decodeEntities: true,
minifyCSS: true,
minifyJS: true,
processConditionalComments: true,
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
removeRedundantAttributes: false,
trimCustomFragments: true,
useShortDoctype: true,
loaders: {
stylus: { sourceMap: false } /* Fixes the issue where live editing CSS in Chrome Dev Tools breaks page */,
// Until this bug is fixed https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/issues/3877, use this.
splitChunks: {
layouts: true,
//pages: true,
//commons: true,
* You can extend webpack config here
extend(config, { dev, isClient }) {
productionSourceMap: false,
// This is so we can use import yaml files. Handy during dev.
test: /\.yaml$/,
loader: "js-yaml-loader",
if (isClient) {
config.devtool = dev ? "eval-source-map" : false;
if (ENV === "production") {
config.build.terser = {
sourceMap: false,
// https://github.com/terser/terser#compress-options
terserOptions: {
compress: {
drop_console: true,
* Generates routes for landing pages.
* @return {Array} array of objects.
function getLandingPages() {
// We use JSON because the js model has "window.data = {...}" prefixed.
const models = fse.readdirSync("../data-models/en/json/products");
const routes = [];
// Landing page templates - scan pages/groups/landing-pages for dirs
const directories = fse.readdirSync("./pages/groups/landing-pages");
for (const dir of directories) {
// If we have a locale other than 'en', append it to directory. ie, sbsr-es.
const dynamicDirectory = LOCALE === "en" ? dir : `${dir}-${LOCALE}`;
for (const model of models) {
// Remove '.json' from filename
const name = model.slice(0, -5);
const modelJSON = JSON.parse(fse.readFileSync(`../data-models/${LOCALE}/json/products/${model}`, "utf8"));
// if we have a template then only generate this route if it's specified in templates
if (!modelJSON.templates || modelJSON.templates.includes(dir)) {
route: `/groups/landing-pages/${dir}/${dynamicDirectory}/${name}`,
payload: { model: modelJSON },
return routes;
* Generates routes for catalog pages.
* @return {Array} array of objects.
function getCatalogPages() {
const languages = require(`./locales/config/languages/${LOCALE}.js`).default;
const yamlFile = yaml.safeLoad(fse.readFileSync(`./data/catalog-pages/${LOCALE}.yaml`, "utf8"));
return languages.map((language) => {
return {
route: `/groups/catalog-pages/${language.catalog}`,
payload: {
content: yamlFile,
export default config;