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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
def mandelbrot(input, limit=1000):
# store in an intermediate variable not to confuse input with current state
buffer = input
for i in range(limit):
# dont exceed the limit
# skip 0th round because output 0 has semantic meaning
if abs(buffer)>2:
# assume buffer > 2 means infinity
# if so, return the iteration at which it "failed"
return i
# multiply number by itself and add the constant
buffer *= buffer
buffer += input
# assume if we iterate through limit, the input is in the set
return 0
mandelbrot(1+1j, 1)
def goManGo(x_boundary, y_boundary, resolution, limit=100):
x_boundary = (x_min, x_max), floats
y_boundary = (y_min, y_max), floats
resolution = (width, height), ints
limit, int
complex_x, complex_y = np.linspace(x_boundary[0], x_boundary[1], resolution[0]), np.linspace(y_boundary[0], y_boundary[1], resolution[1])
rectangle = np.zeros(shape=resolution)
# make the array and populate with complex numbers
for i in range(resolution[0]):
# for the width
for j in range(resolution[1]):
# for the height
rectangle[i, j] = mandelbrot(complex(complex_x[i], complex_y[j]), limit)
return rectangle
# -2.0,0.5,-1.25,1.25,1000,1000,80
def makePic(mandelbrot_set, cmap):
plt.contourf(mandelbrot_set.T, cmap=cmap)
def mandelbrot_image(xmin=-2.5, xmax=0.5, ymin=-1, ymax=1,width=10,height=10,maxiter=256):
resolution = (1000,1000)
color_list = plt.cm.Set3(np.linspace(0, 1, 12))
dpi = 72
img_width, img_height = dpi * width, dpi * height
z = goManGo((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax),resolution,maxiter)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(width, height),dpi=72)
ticks = np.arange(0,img_width,3*dpi)
x_ticks, y_ticks = xmin + (xmax-xmin)*ticks/img_width, ymin + (ymax-ymin)*ticks/img_width
plt.xticks(ticks, x_ticks)
plt.yticks(ticks, y_ticks)
mandel = goManGo((-2.0,0),(-1.25,0),(10000,10000), 100)
makePic(mandel, 'hot')