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Testing Summary
1) Launch FF and clear cache and cookies.
2) The TNT is not yet set up .so far testing purpose , to set cookie in the firefox browser ,install firecookie plugin and then select cookies in the firebug.
For Test Variant 1
In the Cookies submenu , select create cookies and in the edit cookie popup enter the name as "smart" , Host: ".stg.rosettastone.com", Path: "/",Expires: "select session checkbox,value:"variant1" and click ok button
For Test Variant 2
In the Cookies submenu , select create cookies and in the edit cookie popup enter the name as "smart" , Host: ".stg.rosettastone.com", Path: "/",Expires: "select session checkbox,value:"variant2" and click ok button
In other browsers enter the below code in console
For Test Variant 1
document.cookie = 'smart=variant1; expires=Fri, 3 Aug 2015 20:47:11 UTC; path=/; host=.rosettastone.com';
window.location = window.location;
For Test Variant 2
document.cookie = 'smart=variant2; expires=Fri, 3 Aug 2015 20:47:11 UTC; path=/; host=.rosettastone.com';
window.location = window.location;
3) Launch www.stg.rosettastone.com/learn-german and add any product to the cart.
4) Check that the design is as per the mock.
5) When we click the continue checkout button , we will be taken to the address page, We're getting billing and shipping informations in popup, please check the functionalities and design as per the Mock, There is no change in functionlities other than Map.
6) Proceed to complete the order and check the design is not broken in all the pages.
7) We have removed enter promo option as per the new design, but we can add the promo via url like "pc/promoName", to test applied promo behaviour.
1. We're waiting for few mocks from business end, Please ignore if you have issue in that section. like empty cart page, ipad mocks, We'll do this with follow up ticket.
2. We have raised few clarification to business based on new design and got the answer from them, we have updated the design based on that, you can find those conversation here https://goo.gl/LSAVYJ
3. Regarding google map behaviour
If the user chooses/enters valid address, the map will get loaded and the pointer will locate exact address.
If the user enters invalid address, the map will get loaded with no pointer
If the user chooses/enters valid address, the map will get loaded and the pointer will locate exact address and then if the user enters invalid address, the pointer will not change from the previous address choosen. google map behaviour
If the user chooses/enters valid address, the map will get loaded and the pointer will locate exact address.
If the user enters invalid address, the map will get loaded with no pointer
If the user chooses/enters valid address, the map will get loaded and the pointer will locate exact address and then if the user enters invalid address, the pointer will not change from the previous address choosen.
jayavenkateswaranp P, Jayavenkateswaran added a comment - 12/Aug/16 7:48 AM
For Other Browsers Please run the below comment in console, Please ignore the previous comments for other browsers,
For Test Variant 1
document.cookie = "smart="+ "variant1"+"; ";
document.cookie = "path=" "/"+"; ";
window.location = window.location;
For Test Variant 2
document.cookie = "smart="+ "variant2"+"; ";
document.cookie = "path=" "/"+"; ";
window.location = window.location;