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// *******************************************************
// Get country code from the url (example: US)
// reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#Officially_assigned_code_elements (see column: Alpha-2 code)
// if you're using an api to get country code after page load,
// use this for example:
// window.gdpr && window.gdpr.change_country_code('DE');
// *******************************************************
// edit inside this function if you have a different way to get the two letter country code on page load
function get_country_code(url){
// country code should come from url parameter from NGINX rule (example: country=US)
var country_code = (url.match(/[&?]country=([^&]+)/i) || ['',''])[1].toUpperCase();
setCookie('gdpr_country_code', country_code);
return country_code;
// *******************************************************
// Initialize global gdpr variable
// *******************************************************
window.gdpr = window.gdpr || {
country_code: getCookie('gdpr_country_code') || get_country_code(window.location.href),
cookie_consent: getCookie('gdpr_cookie_consent') || null,
email_consent: null,
double_opt_in_countries: ['DE'],
change_country_code: function(new_country_code){
window.gdpr.country_code = new_country_code;
setCookie('gdpr_country_code', new_country_code);
return new_country_code;
events: {},
on: function(event, callback){
this.events[event] = this.events[event] || [];
trigger: function(event){
// *******************************************************
// Helper functions
// *******************************************************
// get cookie
function getCookie(cookie_name){
var regex = new RegExp('(^|;\\s)'+cookie_name+'=([^;]+)', 'i');
return (document.cookie.match(regex) || [])[2];
// set cookie for 30 days
function setCookie(name, value){
var exp = new Date(Date.parse(new Date()) + (30*24*60*60*1000));
document.cookie = name+'='+value+'; path=/; expires='+exp+'; domain=.rosettastone.com';
// delete cookie
function deleteCookie(name) {
document.cookie = name+'=; domain=.rosettastone.com; path=/; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';