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// pick number between 0-2
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var loadingMessages = {
en: [
'Bilinguals tend to make more money at work.<br>Slightly more effective than stocking stuffer lotto tickets.',
'Studies show learning a new language makes you more open-minded.<br>(We think it makes you more attractive, too.)',
'Bilingualism can sharpen problem solving skills. <br>Speaking of which, how are you with tangled Christmas lights?'
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* Clicking mobile cta opens cart,
* passing cart url to openCartOverlay()
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/** The 'x' icon' */
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// Don't change iframe src
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console.log('showing cart')
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console.log('Updating frame src: ' + href)
$iframe.attr('src', '')
window.setTimeout(function() {
$iframe.attr('src', href)
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0% {
width: 0px
100% {
width: 100%;