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// **************************************************
// pick experience 1 or 2 here
// **************************************************
var experience = 1;
// experience html
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} .premium_toggle_checkbox:checked ~ .premium_toggle_yes{ opacity: 1; } .premium_toggle_checkbox:checked ~ .premium_toggle_no{ opacity: 0.5; } .premium_toggle_checkbox:focus ~ .premium_toggle_track{ outline: 3px dashed gold; } .premium_toggle_checkbox{ position: absolute; left: -2000px; } .premium_how_it_works_container{ padding: 10px 0 20px; } .premium_how_it_works{ font-size: 16px; color: #F5C206; font-family: gothammedium, sans-serif; cursor: pointer; } .premium_how_it_works_text{ text-decoration: underline; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 3px; } .premium_how_it_works svg{ vertical-align: middle; position: relative; top: 1px; } .premium_how_it_works_arrow circle{ stroke: unset; fill: #F5C206; } .premium_how_it_works_arrow polygon{ stroke: #3E7CB0; fill: #3E7CB0; } .premium_mobile_only{ display: none; } @media(max-width: 570px){ .premium_info_container{ margin: 20px 0px 20px; } .premium_info{ width: auto; } .premium_vid_container{ margin-left: 29px; width: auto; } .premium_mobile_only{ display: block; } .premium_desktop_only{ display: none; } } /* premium tutoring callouts in product boxes --------------------------------------------- */ .premium_tutoring_callout_container{ position: absolute; bottom: -14px; left: 0px; width: 100%; opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: scaleY(0); -ms-transform: scaleY(0); transform: scaleY(0); -webkit-transition: all 0.2s; transition: all 0.2s; } .premium_tutoring_callout{ font-size: 12px; font-family: gothammedium, sans-serif; background-color: #ECC200; color: #313131; display: inline-block; padding: 4px 20px; border-radius: 20px; } .premium_tutoring_callout_show{ opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scaleY(1); -ms-transform: scaleY(1); transform: scaleY(1); } .premium_tutoring_callout_mobile{ color: #417505; font-family: gothammedium, sans-serif; font-size: 0.8em; position: relative; display: block; left: 35px; top: -14px; transition: all 0.2s; opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: scaleY(0); -ms-transform: scaleY(0); transform: scaleY(0); } .premium_tutoring_callout_mobile_show{ opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scaleY(1); -ms-transform: scaleY(1); transform: scaleY(1); } /* on-page css changes ------------------------------ */ .oct_2016_container{ padding: 40px 0px; } .oct_2016_blue_bg .js_product_boxes_desktop, .oct_2016_blue_bg .mobile_products_container, .oct_2016_blue_bg #giftingsection{ background-color: #3E7CB0; } .oct_2016_blue_bg #giftingsection{ margin: 0px; padding: 60px 20px; } .oct_2016_blue_bg .meclabs_guarantee_proof{ margin: 0px; } .oct_2016_col{ max-width: 568px; } @media(min-width: 744px){ #simp_container{ width: 68.5em; } } .oct_2016_blue_bg .mobile_guarantee{ margin: 30px auto 0; } .oct_2016_product_square_header{ position: relative; } .oct_2016_best_value{ background-color: #313131; color: #fff; } .mobile_product_label{ padding: 5px 20px; } .mobile_product_name_container{ top: 16px; text-align: left; } .mobile_product_name{ display: inline-block; transition: all 0.2s; } .mobile_product_name_tutoring_shift{ -webkit-transform: translateY(-7px); -ms-transform: translateY(-7px); transform: translateY(-7px); } </style> <div class="premium"> <div class="premium_content"> <div class="premium_callout">New Premium Feature Available</div> <div class="premium_title premium_desktop_only">Enhance your lessons with personalized help from a live tutor</div> <div class="premium_subtitle premium_desktop_only">Book sessions as you need them, around your schedule.</div> <div class="premium_title_mobile premium_mobile_only">Enhance your lessons with a personal live tutor</div> <div class="premium_info_container"> <div class="premium_info"> <div class="premium_intro"> <span class="premium_desktop_only">Practice your conversational skills (via 1-way video camera) from the comfort of your home with a native speaking tutor who uses our proven learning methods.</span> <span class="premium_mobile_only">Practice your conversational skills via 1-way video camera with a native speaking tutor</span> </div> <ul class="premium_bullets"> <li>Get help with the specific lesson you are working on</li> <li class="premium_desktop_only">Get help with proper pronunciation</li> <li class="premium_desktop_only">Practice in small groups with other students on your level</li> <li class="premium_mobile_only">Book sessions as you need them, around your schedule</li> <li>Get a new tutoring session every <span class="premium_desktop_only">single</span> month!</li> </ul> </div> <div class="premium_vid_container"> <div class="premium_vid_still premium_desktop_only js_open_video" data-video="tutoring" aria-label="See how Rosetta Stone tutoring works"> <img src="https://www.rosettastone.com/lp/ab_tests/ws-2389/assets/premium_vid_still.jpg" alt=""> </div> <div class="premium_vid_caption premium_desktop_only">Practice your pronunciation with a live tutor using the material covered in your lesson.</div> <div class="premium_how_it_works_container premium_mobile_only"> <span class="premium_how_it_works js_open_video" data-video="tutoring" aria-label="See how Rosetta Stone tutoring works"> <span class="premium_how_it_works_text">See how it works</span> <svg class="premium_how_it_works_arrow" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 10 10" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <circle cx="5" cy="5" r="4.75" style="stroke-width:0.3;"></circle> <polygon points="4,3 7,5 4,7" style="stroke-width:0.5;"></polygon> </svg> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="premium_toggle_title">Choose subscription length and optional live tutoring</div> <div class="premium_toggle_container"> <span class="premium_toggle_caption">Add Live Tutoring:</span> <span class="premium_toggle"> <input id="js_premium_toggle" type="checkbox" class="premium_toggle_checkbox" name="turn_on_premium_tutoring" autocomplete="off"> <span class="premium_toggle_label premium_toggle_yes">Yes</span> <span class="premium_toggle_track"> <span class="premium_toggle_circle"></span> </span> <span class="premium_toggle_label premium_toggle_no">No</span> </span> </div> </div> </div>';
// video html
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var $toggle = $('#js_premium_toggle');
$('.premium_toggle_track').on('click', function(){
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$toggle[0].checked = true;
$('.premium_toggle_no').on('click', function(){
$toggle[0].checked = false;
$toggle.on('keydown', function(e){
// add tutoring callouts to desktop product boxes
$('.oct_2016_blue_bg .oct_2016_product_square_header').append('<div class="premium_tutoring_callout_container"><div class="premium_tutoring_callout">With Live Tutoring</div></div>');
// add tutoring callouts to mobile product boxes
$('.mobile_product_name').after('<div class="premium_tutoring_callout_mobile">with Live Tutoring</div>');
$('.premium_toggle_yes, .premium_toggle_no').on('click', function(){
$toggle.on('change', function(e){
function toggle_tutoring(checkbox){
function show_premium_tutoring(){
// If promo codes don't work in magento:
// Note that the parent sku is here in the page code, and the child sku goes in magento.
// The child sku is the parent sku plus 1, so 99042 here on the page would be 99043 in magento.
// Really confusing, but true.
// Apparently the one-month child sku is +2, so it would be 90473 in this case
var premium_skus = {
'01': '90471',
'03': '97357',
'06': '97352',
'12': '97342',
'24': '99042'
var price_level_of_promo = {
'yosemite': 'msrp', // highest
'goldengate': 'price_level_1',
'swissalps': 'price_level_2',
'parthenon': 'price_level_3',
'mountfuji': 'price_level_4',
'giza': 'price_level_5',
'iguazafalls': 'price_level_6' // lowest
var promo_name = RSI({lvl:'24'})[0].code.split('_')[0]; // this will give something like "parthenon"
var price_level = price_level_of_promo[promo_name];
// usage: premium_prices_monthly[price_level][product_lvl]
var premium_prices_monthly = {
'msrp': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '39.67',
'06': '29.83',
'12': '23.25',
'24': '16.63'
'price_level_1': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '38.99',
'06': '29.95',
'12': '21.99',
'24': '14.49'
'price_level_2': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '36.99',
'06': '27.99',
'12': '19.99',
'24': '13.49'
'price_level_3': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '30.99',
'06': '21.99',
'12': '17.99',
'24': '12.49'
'price_level_4': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '26.99',
'06': '17.99',
'12': '15.99',
'24': '11.99'
'price_level_5': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '24.99',
'06': '15.99',
'12': '13.99',
'24': '10.99'
'price_level_6': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '22.99',
'06': '13.99',
'12': '11.99',
'24': '9.99'
var premium_prices_upfront = {
'msrp': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '119',
'06': '179',
'12': '279',
'24': '399'
'price_level_1': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '116.97',
'06': '179.94',
'12': '263.88',
'24': '347.76'
'price_level_2': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '110.97',
'06': '167.94',
'12': '239.88',
'24': '323.76'
'price_level_3': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '92.97',
'06': '131.94',
'12': '215.88',
'24': '299.76'
'price_level_4': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '80.97',
'06': '107.94',
'12': '191.88',
'24': '287.76'
'price_level_5': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '74.97',
'06': '95.94',
'12': '167.88',
'24': '263.76'
'price_level_6': {
'01': '29.95',
'03': '68.97',
'06': '83.94',
'12': '143.88',
'24': '239.76'
// update cart buttons on desktop
$('.js_oct_2016_addtocart[data-media="subscription"]').attr('href', function(){
var lvl = this.getAttribute('data-lvl');
var sku = premium_skus[lvl];
var carturl = this.href
.replace(/\/sku\/\d+/i, '/sku/'+sku)
.replace(/pc=\w+/, function(v){
return v + 'T';
return carturl;
// update prices on desktop and mobile
$('.js_oct_2016_price[data-media="subscription"]:not(.mobile_msrp, [data-is-msrp="true"])').html(function(i,old_html){
var lvl = this.getAttribute('data-lvl');
var new_price = premium_prices_monthly[price_level][lvl];
var dollars = new_price.split('.')[0];
var cents = new_price.split('.')[1] || '00';
var dollars_html = old_html.replace(/\d+/, dollars);
// desktop cents
// mobile cents
$(this).parent('.mobile_prices_container').find('.productcents p:eq(0)').html('.'+cents);
return dollars_html;
// upfront msrp desktop
$('.js_oct_2016_price[data-is-msrp="true"]').html(function(i, prev_html){
var lvl = this.getAttribute('data-lvl');
var new_msrp = premium_prices_upfront['msrp'][lvl];
this.previous_value = this.previous_value || prev_html;
return new_msrp;
// upfront msrp mobile
$('.mobile_msrp').html(function(i, prev_html){
var lvl = $(this).parent('.monthly_mobilebottom').prev('.mobile_product_label').find('.mobile_price').attr('data-lvl');
var new_msrp = premium_prices_upfront['msrp'][lvl];
this.previous_value = this.previous_value || prev_html;
return new_msrp;
// upfront price desktop
$('.msrpstrong').html(function(i, prev_html){
var lvl = $(this).parent().prev().find('.js_oct_2016_price').attr('data-lvl');
var new_price = premium_prices_upfront[price_level][lvl];
this.previous_value = this.previous_value || prev_html;
return '$'+new_price;
// upfront price mobile
$('.monthly_mobilebottom strong').html(function(i, prev_html){
var lvl = $(this).parent('.monthly_mobilebottom').prev('.mobile_product_label').find('.mobile_price').attr('data-lvl');
var new_price = premium_prices_upfront[price_level][lvl];
this.previous_value = this.previous_value || prev_html;
return '$'+new_price;
function revert_upfront_prices(){
'.js_oct_2016_price[data-is-msrp="true"]' // upfront msrp desktop
+', .mobile_msrp' // upfront msrp mobile
+', .msrpstrong' // upfront price desktop
+', .monthly_mobilebottom strong' // upfront price mobile
return this.previous_value;
// when there's an update, check whether to show or remove premium tutoring
$(document).on('cart_update', function(){
var is_premium_on = $('#js_premium_toggle')[0].checked;
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
// any elements with this class will open a video of your choice
$('.js_open_video').on('click', function(){
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// make video openers keyboard-accessible
$('.js_open_video').attr('tabindex','0').on('keydown', function(e){
// make "enter" key equivalent to click
if(e.keyCode === 13){
return false;
}).on('focus', function(){
$(this).css({'outline':'2px dashed #fff'});
}).on('blur', function(){
// show correct video
function showVideo(elem){
var vid_name = elem ? elem.getAttribute('data-video') : 'how_it_works';
var youtube_id = {
live_studio_session: 'SiRtFaXqCqU',
how_it_works : 'imK17Pb3Yws',
red_ball : 'xmS1rgDUec4',
delaine : 'KwFphr58e94',
grace : 'g6WEYqaMFsk',
peter : 'p6l9xp3yH7E',
chris : 'ZOwb57bx4mA',
food_truck : 'jMPL9EjBucA',
anniversary_25 : 'ZBeP_d-uAww',
tutoring: 'kr_A1fBRIAw'
var vid_id = youtube_id[vid_name] || youtube_id['how_it_works'];
var youtube_video = '<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/'+vid_id+'?rel=0&autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
document.getElementById('video_container').innerHTML = youtube_video;
// hide video
function hideVideo(){
// hide overlay
// get rid of video altogether (otherwise youtube will keep playing it)
document.getElementById('video_container').innerHTML = '';
// click to close video overlay
document.getElementById('video_overlay').onclick = function(e){
// if the user clicks the background, close the video
if( e.target.id.match(/(^(close_|)video_overlay$)/) ){
// if user clicks x, close video (the reason this wasn't added to the event delegation was to make the functionality bulletproof across browsers; yes there was an IE bug)
document.getElementById('close_video_overlay').onclick = hideVideo;
// close video if user presses "esc" key
$(document).on('keydown', function(e){
// **********************************************************
// **********************************************************
$('.js_open_video').on('click', function(){
s.prop31="Live Tutor Video Play";
s.tl(this,'o','Live Tutor Video Play');