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1. demo signup email id error message is in english
2. login with facebook button is in english
3. adding to cart takes me to US cart where everything is in english
4. i can see a link named "Learn Spanish" in the footer which is in english. also, this link points to rs.com
5. except a few pages, all four columns of footer links point to page not found
ignore pls. Will be fixed once on the espanol subdomain.
6. all catalog page links in the header points to page not found
ignore pls. will be fixed once on espanol domain
7. in the feature list screenshots, the first feature - CAPACIDAD EN MÚLTIPLES DISPOSITIVOS iphone screenshot is missing
8. rs logo in the header points to rs.com us page
ignore. will be fixed when on espabol domain
9. section title - "rosetta stone reviews" is in english
10. product title above the price is displaying as "3-MES SUSCRIPCIÓN" which is fine, but for 6m, 12m and 24m, the word - SUSCRIPCIÓN is displaying in english as SUBSCRIPTION
11. in mobile, "Que Aprenderas" link in the hamburger menu points to http://www.rosettastone.com/what-youll-learn/ which is in english
-- For the above two items, i think you are cached. I saw these yesterday (or monday) and fixed.
12. in mobile, "more reviews" button label is in english
13. Demo related events are not fired
ignore. this will have to wait til we add the url rules to DTM