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var fs = require('fs');
var lo_ = require('lodash');
var path = require('path')
//npm install uglify-js@1.3.5
var jsp = require("uglify-js").parser;
var pro = require("uglify-js").uglify;
var clog = console.log;
* Try to have this in a path relative to deploy folder,
* so it will work out of the box if someone tries to
* to go through the deployment process on their machine
* instead of the ashclp00 server
var envslash = path.sep;
var workingPath = path.dirname(__dirname) + envslash
var promospath = workingPath + "../data/promos.json";
var pagesjsonpath = workingPath + "../data/pages.json";
var productspath = workingPath + "../data/pony.json";
var shellpath = __dirname + envslash + "rsishell.js";
var rsifolderpath = workingPath + "../rsi" + envslash;
var queryinpath = workingPath + "queryops.json";
var basecart = 'https://secure.rosettastone.com/us_en_store_view/checkout/cart/add/';
var applypromodiscounts = require(__dirname+envslash+"applypromodiscounts.js");
//language configs for other than default: rsiparser -a -his
case '-his':
//console.log("Config: Hispanic US");
basecart = "https://secure.rosettastone.com/hispanic_store_view/checkout/cart/add/"
promospath = workingPath + "data/promos.json";
pagesjsonpath = workingPath + "data/pages-his.json";
rsifolderpath = workingPath + envslash + "rsi-his" + envslash;
queryinpath = workingPath + "queryops-his.json";
//console.log("Config: Default (US/Eng)");
//remove when pages.json
// eval(fs.readFileSync(pagesjsonpath).toString());
var pages = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(pagesjsonpath) );
//var pages = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(pagesjsonpath) );
//console.log("Loaded pages.json...");
var qbpromos = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(promospath) ).promos;
//console.log("Loaded qbpromos...");
var qbprod = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(promospath) ).prodinfo;
//console.log("Loaded qb prod info...");
var products = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(productspath) );
//console.log("Loaded products...");
var querytargets = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(queryinpath));
//console.log("Loaded query targets");
//transform 1st arg in each array to regexp:
querytargets = lo_.map(querytargets, function(v){ v[0] = new RegExp(v[0]); return v; })
var arg = process.argv.slice(2,3);
function descendparse(obj, patharr) {
patharr = patharr || [];
if (typeof obj !== "object")
patharr.push("#" + obj.toString());
return [patharr];
var ret = [];
for(var i in obj)
var prepend = patharr.slice();
var subpaths = descendparse(obj[i], prepend.concat(i));
for(var j=0,l=subpaths.length; j < l; j++)
return ret;
function parseProducts(products) {
var ret = [];
var keys = lo_.keys(products);
lo_.each(keys, function(v){
var langcode = v;
var parsed = descendparse(products[v]);
var lang = parsed.shift()[1].slice(1);
// console.log("parsed:");
// console.log(parsed);
var interpreted = lo_(parsed).map(function(v){
var ret;
if(!(v instanceof Array === true && v.length >= 1))
{return false;}
ret = {};
//shift off "products"
if(v[0] === "course")
ret.family = "course";
ret.cat = langcode;
ret.lvl = v[1];
ret.sku = v[4] && v[4].slice(1);
ret.media = v[2];
ret.promokey = (ret.media + "_" + ret.lvl).toUpperCase();
return ret;
else if(v[0] === "totale")
ret.family = "totale";
ret.cat = langcode;
ret.lvl = v[2];
ret.sku = v[4] && v[4].slice(1);
ret.media = v[1];
ret.promokey = ("TO" + ret.media.slice(0, 3) + "_" + ret.lvl).toUpperCase();
return ret;
return false;
// console.log("interp");
// console.log(interpreted);
ret = ret.concat(interpreted);
return ret;
function preparecode(cd) {
try {
var ast = jsp.parse(cd); // parse code and get the initial AST
catch(e) {
return false;
ast = pro.ast_mangle(ast); // get a new AST with mangled names
ast = pro.ast_squeeze(ast); // get an AST with compression optimizations
var final_code = pro.gen_code(ast); // compressed code here
return final_code;
function getcartapi(cat,sku,pc) {
if(!(cat && sku))
return false;
//var _base = basecart;
var _pc = pc ? '/?pc=' + pc : "";
return (
+ 'sku/' + sku + '/'
+ 'category_id/' + cat.toLowerCase()
+ _pc
function getcartEEapi(cat,sku,pc,eeObject) {
if(!(cat && sku))
return false;
//var _base = basecart;
var _pc = pc ? '/?pc=' + pc : "";
return (
+ 'cid/' + eeObject.cid + '/'
+ 'gl/' + eeObject.gl + '/'
+ 'sl/' + eeObject.sl + '/'
+ 'sku/' + sku + '/'
+ 'category_id/' + cat.toLowerCase()
+ _pc
function processRSI(rsi, processRSI_cb) {
console.log('Processing ' + rsi + '...');
var rsidata = pages[rsi];
processRSI_cb("RSI does not exist.");
var promocode = rsidata.promo || "";
var promodata = qbpromos[promocode];
var productsarray = parseProducts(products);
var isEE = typeof rsidata['ee'] != "undefined" ? true : false;
var eeObject = {};
typeof rsidata['ee']['gl'] != "undefined" &&
typeof rsidata['ee']['sl'] != "undefined" &&
typeof rsidata['ee']['cid'] != "undefined"
eeObject.gl = rsidata['ee']['gl']
eeObject.sl = rsidata['ee']['sl']
eeObject.cid = rsidata['ee']['cid']
processRSI_cb("EE parameters missing");
* Auto calculate 5pay and percenrageoff,
* ONLY if it's not present in the rsi object.
var promoprice;
try {
var promoprice = qbpromos[promocode]['BOX_S5'].price
} catch (e) {
if (e) console.log('[rsiparser] promocode is not in promos.json: ', promocode)
if (promoprice) {
if (!rsidata.header.fivePay) {
rsidata.header.fivePay = Math.ceil(promoprice/5)
if (!rsidata.percentoff) {
var diff = 499 - parseInt(promoprice)
rsidata.percentoff = Math.floor((diff/499)*100)
productsarray = lo_.map(productsarray, function(v){
var prodinfo = (qbprod && qbprod[v.promokey.split("_")[0]]);
prodinfo = prodinfo && prodinfo[v.promokey.split("_")[1]];
v.desc = (!!prodinfo && prodinfo["qb_desc"]) || "";
v.img = (!!prodinfo && prodinfo["qb_img"]) || "";
v.name = (!!prodinfo && prodinfo["qb_name"]) || "";
v.msrp = (!!prodinfo && prodinfo["qb_price"]) || "";
v.code = (promodata && promodata[v.promokey] && promodata[v.promokey].code ) || "";
v.price = (promodata && promodata[v.promokey] && promodata[v.promokey].price );
v.language = products[v.cat] && products[v.cat].language;
v.cart = (!isEE) ? getcartapi(v.cat, v.sku, v.code) : getcartEEapi(v.cat, v.sku, v.code, eeObject);
//no price listed in promos; Panic and get it from 'sitewide'
v.price = (qbpromos["sitewide"][v.promokey] && qbpromos["sitewide"][v.promokey].price );
v.code = (qbpromos["sitewide"][v.promokey] && qbpromos["sitewide"][v.promokey].code ) || v.code;
//As a last resort, suppress products with no price...
//no cart link for product: suppress and report
//console.log("Suppressing: " + v.cat + v.promokey + ' ...no sku/cart');
return false;
//no price for product: suppress and report
//console.log("Suppressing: " + v.cat + '::' + v.promokey + ' ...no price');
return false;
//If specified, take a further %age discount off the marked promo price.
/*if (rsidata.header.discount) {
v.price = Math.ceil(v.price * (1-rsidata.header.discount));
return v;
productsarray = lo_.compact(productsarray);
//productsarray set
var queriestoapply = lo_.filter(querytargets,function(v){
return v[0] && v[0].test && v[0].test(rsi);
lo_.each(queriestoapply, function(v){
//apply the query to matching products
var productselector = v[1];
var application = v[2];
var prodstmp = lo_(productsarray)
.map(function(v){ return lo_.every(productselector, function(selectval,selectkey){
//i.e. "If every property in the product matches every property in the selector, apply the operation"
return v[selectkey] && v[selectkey] == selectval;
}) ? lo_.assign(v, application) : v;
productsarray = prodstmp;
var rsikvpairs = [];
var rsikeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rsidata);
var k;
k = rsikeys[0];
rsikvpairs.push(["rsi", (rsi && "'" + rsi + "'") || "'sitewide'"]);
var rsiprops = lo_.map(rsikvpairs, function(v){
return "RSI." + v[0] + " = " + v[1] + ";";
rsiprops = rsiprops.join("\n");
var shelltext = fs.readFileSync(shellpath, "utf-8");
var rsijs = shelltext.replace("####PRODUCTS####", JSON.stringify(productsarray)).replace("####RSIPROPERTIES####", rsiprops);
rsijs = preparecode(rsijs);
processRSI_cb(!rsijs, rsijs, rsi);
function RSIHandler(e,r,_rsicode){
_rsicode = _rsicode || "sitewide";
if(!fs.existsSync(rsifolderpath + _rsicode + envslash)) {
fs.mkdirSync(rsifolderpath + _rsicode + envslash);
// Drop the model inside rsi/<pagename>modle.js and globals/models/<pagename>.js
fs.writeFileSync(rsifolderpath + _rsicode + envslash + "model.js", r);
fs.writeFileSync(workingPath + '../deploy/globals/models/' + _rsicode + '.js', r)
console.log("Error processing RSI: " + e);
qbpromos = applypromodiscounts(qbpromos);
if ((arg && arg[0]) === "-a")
//console.log("Compiling all RSIs...");
var allrsi = Object.keys(pages);
processRSI(allrsi.pop(), RSIHandler);
processRSI(arg, RSIHandler);
// var shelltxt = fs.readFileSync(shellpath, "utf-8");
// console.log(preparecode(shelltxt));