Fri Apr 14 2017
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      Lencl | help
          Lencl | im looking for the truth
     basiclaser | is that a valid pattern blf ?
          Lencl | I just found out php allows you to pass in a parameter even though 0 arguments
                | are expected
          Lencl | so im converting.. does javascript give an error if that happens?
            blf | basiclaser: you just want to call a function when something inside a module is
                | changed?
       zchrykng | Lencl: nope.
          Lencl | zchrykng: so it's the same thing?
          Lencl | why???
            blf | basiclaser: lets give the modules names to start with. Module A: imports
                | onupdate. Module B: exports onupdate. which module are you monitoring for
                | change?
          sqram | if something is imported once , if other modules require that library, it won't
                | actually fetch from disk again will it?
       zchrykng | Lencl: because that is how the language is designed.
          Lencl | zchrykng: then I'm still language agnostic
          Lencl | moving on to #python