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* This component holds a full Credit Card form.
* When submitted, it will validate its input fields.
* If they all validate, then it calls a function passe in as a prop,
* `submitCallback` passed in by parent component.
* There is an optional `cancel` button - if you wish to use it, just pass
* `cancelButtonText`and `cancelButtonCallback` props and the form knows there's a cancel button
* to show. If you omit those props, no cancel button will appear.
import styled from "@emotion/styled";
import Lion from "@rosetta/react-lion";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import React from "react";
//import { usStates } from "../common/util/us-states";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { errorsMap } from "./errors";
import { actions } from "./my-account-reducer";
const usStates = [
{ name: 'ALABAMA', abbreviation: 'AL'},
{ name: 'ALASKA', abbreviation: 'AK'},
{ name: 'AMERICAN SAMOA', abbreviation: 'AS'},
{ name: 'ARIZONA', abbreviation: 'AZ'},
{ name: 'ARKANSAS', abbreviation: 'AR'},
{ name: 'CALIFORNIA', abbreviation: 'CA'},
{ name: 'COLORADO', abbreviation: 'CO'},
{ name: 'CONNECTICUT', abbreviation: 'CT'},
{ name: 'DELAWARE', abbreviation: 'DE'},
{ name: 'DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA', abbreviation: 'DC'},
{ name: 'FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA', abbreviation: 'FM'},
{ name: 'FLORIDA', abbreviation: 'FL'},
{ name: 'GEORGIA', abbreviation: 'GA'},
{ name: 'GUAM', abbreviation: 'GU'},
{ name: 'HAWAII', abbreviation: 'HI'},
{ name: 'IDAHO', abbreviation: 'ID'},
{ name: 'ILLINOIS', abbreviation: 'IL'},
{ name: 'INDIANA', abbreviation: 'IN'},
{ name: 'IOWA', abbreviation: 'IA'},
{ name: 'KANSAS', abbreviation: 'KS'},
{ name: 'KENTUCKY', abbreviation: 'KY'},
{ name: 'LOUISIANA', abbreviation: 'LA'},
{ name: 'MAINE', abbreviation: 'ME'},
{ name: 'MARSHALL ISLANDS', abbreviation: 'MH'},
{ name: 'MARYLAND', abbreviation: 'MD'},
{ name: 'MASSACHUSETTS', abbreviation: 'MA'},
{ name: 'MICHIGAN', abbreviation: 'MI'},
{ name: 'MINNESOTA', abbreviation: 'MN'},
{ name: 'MISSISSIPPI', abbreviation: 'MS'},
{ name: 'MISSOURI', abbreviation: 'MO'},
{ name: 'MONTANA', abbreviation: 'MT'},
{ name: 'NEBRASKA', abbreviation: 'NE'},
{ name: 'NEVADA', abbreviation: 'NV'},
{ name: 'NEW HAMPSHIRE', abbreviation: 'NH'},
{ name: 'NEW JERSEY', abbreviation: 'NJ'},
{ name: 'NEW MEXICO', abbreviation: 'NM'},
{ name: 'NEW YORK', abbreviation: 'NY'},
{ name: 'NORTH CAROLINA', abbreviation: 'NC'},
{ name: 'NORTH DAKOTA', abbreviation: 'ND'},
{ name: 'NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS', abbreviation: 'MP'},
{ name: 'OHIO', abbreviation: 'OH'},
{ name: 'OKLAHOMA', abbreviation: 'OK'},
{ name: 'OREGON', abbreviation: 'OR'},
{ name: 'PALAU', abbreviation: 'PW'},
{ name: 'PENNSYLVANIA', abbreviation: 'PA'},
{ name: 'PUERTO RICO', abbreviation: 'PR'},
{ name: 'RHODE ISLAND', abbreviation: 'RI'},
{ name: 'SOUTH CAROLINA', abbreviation: 'SC'},
{ name: 'SOUTH DAKOTA', abbreviation: 'SD'},
{ name: 'TENNESSEE', abbreviation: 'TN'},
{ name: 'TEXAS', abbreviation: 'TX'},
{ name: 'UTAH', abbreviation: 'UT'},
{ name: 'VERMONT', abbreviation: 'VT'},
{ name: 'VIRGIN ISLANDS', abbreviation: 'VI'},
{ name: 'VIRGINIA', abbreviation: 'VA'},
{ name: 'WASHINGTON', abbreviation: 'WA'},
{ name: 'WEST VIRGINIA', abbreviation: 'WV'},
{ name: 'WISCONSIN', abbreviation: 'WI'},
{ name: 'WYOMING', abbreviation: 'WY' }
const Form = styled.form({
"& > div": {
margin: "20px 0",
fontFamily: "helvetica",
color: "#262626",
fontSize: "20px",
textAlign: "left",
lineHeight: "23px",
"&::last-of-type": {
marginBottom: 0,
label: {
width: "100%",
"label > div": {
display: "block",
fontWeight: 700,
marginTop: "4px",
marginBottom: "9px",
"input, select": {
display: "block",
width: "100%",
padding: "13px 6px",
borderRadius: "3px",
border: "1px solid #999",
boxSizing: "border-box",
fontSize: "20px;"
select: {
//padding: "12px 5px",
//textAlign: "center"
".wrap-row": {
margin: "15px 0",
display: "flex",
"& > label": {
marginRight: "21px",
"&:last-of-type": {
marginRight: 0,
".expiration > div": {
display: "flex",
select: {
width: "100px"
".slash-divider": {
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
padding: "0 12px",
fontWeight: 100,
fontSize: "18px"
"input[type='submit'], input[type='button']": {
background: "#02B1FF",
color: "#fff",
border: "1px solid transparent",
borderRadius: "10px",
padding: "15px 0",
fontSize: "17px",
textTransform: "uppercase",
"&:disabled": {
background: '#ccc'
"&.cancel": {
background: "#999",
color: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #999",
marginLeft: "10px"
".support-info": {
fontSize: "16px",
lineHeight: "24px",
textAlign: "center",
color: "#262626",
fontWeight: 400,
maxWidth: "450px",
borderTop: "1px solid #e1e1e1",
paddingTop: "21px",
marginTop: "24px"
".form-error": {
background: "#ffbeca",
border: "3px solid #e25454",
padding: "5px",
fontSize: "16px",
lineHeight: "23px",
".cvv-container": {
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
"svg": {
width: "39px",
height: "39px",
marginLeft: "8px"
// Make sure mo/yr is not in past
function validateExpirationDate(dropdownMonth, dropdownYear) {
let ret = true
if (!dropdownMonth && !dropdownYear) {
ret = {msg: "Expiration month and year cannot be blank."}
} else if(!dropdownMonth) {
ret = {msg: "Expiration month cannot be blank."}
} else if (!dropdownYear) {
ret = {msg: "Expiration year cannot be blank."}
const currentMonth = new Date().getMonth() + 1
const currentYear = parseInt(new Date().getFullYear().toString().slice(-2))
if (dropdownMonth < currentMonth && dropdownYear === currentYear) {
ret = {msg: "Expiration date cannot be in the past."}
return ret
// For Credit Card expiration year dropdown
const expirationYears = [""]
const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear()
for (let year = currentYear; year < currentYear + 15; year++) {
expirationYears.push({fullYear: year, shortYear: year.toString().slice(2)})
export class CreditCardForm extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.props = props
this.state = {
maskedCreditCardNumber: null,
cardName: this.props.cardName || "",
cardBillingAddress: "",
cardBillingAddress2: "",
cardNumber: "",
cardState: "",
cardZip: "",
cardCity: "",
cardExpirationMonth: "",
cardExpirationYear: "",
cardSecurityCode: "",
country: "US",
isFetching: false,
errors: [],
submitButtonText: "SUBMIT",
cancelButtonText: "CANCEL",
submitCallback: null,
// If an `error` prop is passed, add it to `errors` state
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
// Check for prevProps to avoid maximum update depth error
if (this.props.error && (this.props.error !== prevProps.error)) {
this.setState({errors: [this.props.error]})
handleOnBlur(e) {
if (e.target.value === "" && this.state.maskedCreditCard) {
this.setState({ cardNumber: this.state.maskedCreditCard});
handleOnFocus(e) {
if (e.target.value.indexOf('*') !== -1) {
// Store this value. If user focuses out without changes, we
// restore this value in `handleOnBlur`
maskedCreditCardNumber: e.target.value,
cardNumber: "",
handleOnSubmit = (e) => {
// Number validation
if (
|| this.state.cardName.trim() > 100
|| this.state.cardName.trim() < 2
|| !/^([a-z]+(-|\.| )*)+$/i.test(this.state.cardName))
this.state.errors.push("Name is invalid.")
// Card number validation
if (
!(this.state.cardNumber.length >= 15
&& this.state.cardNumber.length <= 16)
|| /\*/.test(this.state.cardNumber))
// Zip code validation
if (!this.state.cardZip || this.state.cardZip.length !== 5 ) {
this.state.errors.push("Zip code is invalid.")
// Expiration date can't be in past
const isExpDateValid = validateExpirationDate(
if (isExpDateValid !== true) {
// Security code validation - 3 or 4 digits
if (
|| !(this.state.cardSecurityCode.length >= 3
&& this.state.cardSecurityCode.length <= 4))
this.state.errors.push("Security code is invalid.")
// Validation passed. Make API calls on parent component
if (this.state.errors.length) {
// No errors. Call parent's handle function
this.setState({errors: []})
render() {
const creditCard = this.props.creditCard
const dispatch = this.props.dispatch
<Form onSubmit={this.handleOnSubmit}>
{/* Full Name */}
<Lion.div lionkey="full_name" />
onChange={e => dispatch(actions.updateCreditCard({
name: e.target.value
<div className="wrap-row">
<input type="submit" value={this.props.submitButtonText} disabled={this.state.isFetching} />
<input type="button" className="cancel" value="cancel" onClick={this.props.cancelButtonCallback} />
Possible anti pattern here, but not only will we display local/validation errors,
we'll also display any XHR errors in the redux store - this is because the parent component
is making API calls, and those calls will store errors in the redux store.
{ this.state.errors.length > 0 &&
<div className="form-error">
{ this.state.errors.map((e, i) =>
<Lion.div key={i} lionkey={e} />
CreditCardForm.propTypes = {
/* the text string value of the submit button */
submitButtonText: PropTypes.string,
/* text string for cancel button. NOTE: if not passed, button will not show */
cancelButtonText: PropTypes.string,
/* Function defined in parent component, called if input validations pass. */
submitCallback: PropTypes.func,
/* Function defined in parent component, called when cancel button is clicked. */
cancelButtonCallback: PropTypes.func,
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
account: state.myAccount.account,
creditCard: state.myAccount.creditCard,
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(CreditCardForm);