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<!-- Desktop -->
<div class="lang-wrap">
<div class="desktop-lang-button" @click="toggle">
<span v-html="langs[selected]"></span>
<span class="icon-holder">
<!-- svg arrow -->
<svg class="lang-arrow"
height="1em" version="1.1"
viewBox="35 26 25 20"
:style="{display: showArrow ? 'inline-block' : 'none'}">
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<filter filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" height="394.0%" id="filter-1" width="115.0%" x="-7.5%" y="-123.0%">
<feOffset dx="0" dy="12" in="SourceAlpha" result="shadowOffsetOuter1"></feOffset>
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<feMergeNode in="shadowMatrixOuter1"></feMergeNode>
<feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"></feMergeNode>
<g id="Page-1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="none" stroke-width="1">
<g id="Spanish-->-Button-Hover" transform="translate(-1124.000000, -476.000000)" fill="#313131">
<g id="Select-a-language" transform="translate(0.000000, 447.000000)">
<g id="Text/CTA" transform="translate(229.000000, 41.000000)" filter="url(#filter-1)">
<g id="Language-Dropdown" transform="translate(706.000000, 0.000000)">
<polygon id="Triangle" points="237 19 247 32 227 32" transform="translate(237.000000, 25.500000) scale(1, -1) translate(-237.000000, -25.500000) "></polygon>
<!-- svg x -->
<svg class="lang-close"
viewBox="37 24 16 15"
:style="{display: showArrow ? 'none' : 'inline-block'}">
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<filter filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" height="146.4%" id="filter-1" width="113.5%" x="-6.8%" y="-19.4%">
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<path d="M4.52177819,5.00153414 L0.0953552873,9.4588811 C-0.0276182663,9.58271378 -0.0276182663,9.78333215 0.0953552873,9.90716483 C0.156763936,9.96915984 0.237392086,10 0.317863979,10 C0.398492129,10 0.478964022,9.96915984 0.540372671,9.90716483 L5.00007813,5.4163028 L9.45978359,9.90716483 C9.52134849,9.96915984 9.60182038,10 9.68229228,10 C9.76276417,10 9.84339232,9.96915984 9.90480097,9.90716483 C10.0277745,9.78333215 10.0277745,9.58271378 9.90480097,9.4588811 L5.47853432,5.00153414 L9.90776983,0.541040226 C10.0307434,0.41720755 10.0307434,0.216589173 9.90776983,0.0927564965 C9.78479628,-0.0309188322 9.58556975,-0.0309188322 9.46275245,0.0927564965 L5.00023438,4.58676548 L0.537247549,0.0929138442 C0.414273995,-0.0307614844 0.215203719,-0.0307614844 0.0922301652,0.0929138442 C-0.0307433884,0.216746521 -0.0307433884,0.417364897 0.0922301652,0.541197574 L4.52177819,5.00153414 Z" id="path-2"></path>
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<g id="Spanish-->-List-Expanded" transform="translate(-1126.000000, -481.000000)" fill-rule="nonzero">
<g id="Text/CTA" transform="translate(125.000000, 488.000000)" filter="url(#filter-1)">
<g id="Language-Dropdown" transform="translate(810.000000, 0.000000)">
<g id="cancel" transform="translate(232.000000, 21.000000)">
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<!-- Desktop's language list - hidden initially -->
<div class="lang-list-wrap container" :class="{open: visible}">
<div class="language-list">
<ul v-for="(arrays, i) in languageCols" :key=i>
v-for="lang in arrays"
v-html="lang.name + (lang.region ? ' <span>(' + lang.region + ')</span>' : '')"
<!-- <li
v-for="lang in languageCols"
v-html="lang.name + (lang.region ? '(' + lang.region + ')' : '')"
</li> -->
<!-- Mobile language dropdown -->
<div class="select-wrap">
<select autocomplete="off" tabindex="0" @change='onLangClick'>
<option :value="k" v-for='(lang, k) in langs' :key="k" v-html="lang"></option>
export default {
props: ['onLangChange', 'selectedLang'],
data ()
return {
visible: false, // Is desktop language list visible?
showArrow: true, // If true, show dropdown arrow. If not, show 'x' on language button
selected: 'esp',
langs: [
name: 'Spanish',
region: 'Latin America',
code: 'esp',
name: 'Italian',
code: 'ita',
name: 'French',
code: 'fra',
name: 'English',
region: 'American',
code: 'eng',
name: 'German',
code: 'deu'
name: 'Arabic',
code: 'ara',
name: 'Chinese',
region: 'Mandarin',
code: 'chi',
name: 'Dutch',
code: 'ned',
name: 'English',
region: 'British',
code: 'ebr'
name: 'Filipino',
region: 'Tagalog',
code: 'tgl',
name: 'Greek',
code: 'grk',
name: 'Hebrew',
code: 'heb',
name: 'Hindi',
code: 'hin',
name: 'Irish',
code: 'gle',
name: 'Japanese',
code: 'jpn',
name: 'Korean',
code: 'kor',
name: 'Latin',
code: 'lat',
name: 'Persian',
region: 'Farsi',
code: 'far',
name: 'Polish',
code: 'pol',
name: 'Portuguese',
region: 'Brazil',
code: 'por',
name: 'Russian',
code: 'rus',
name: 'Spanish',
region: 'Spain',
code: 'esc',
name: 'Swedish',
code: 'sve',
name: 'Turkish',
code: 'tur',
name: 'Vietnamese',
code: 'vie',
methods: {
* In desktop, toggles the container div holding
* the languages UL's
toggle () {
this.visible = !this.visible
this.showArrow = !this.showArrow
onLangClick (e) {
this.visible = false
this.showArrow = true
this.selected = e.target.dataset.code || e.target.value
// This component will call this function when a lang is clicked.
// Parent must have this function if it wants
// to handle the event. Something like this
// <SelectLanguage v-bind={onLangChange} :selectedLang='selectedLang' />
computed: {
* Language columns. An array holding sub arrays. Each sub
* array will be a UL column in the html. This is needed simply
* for Desktop language display
languageCols () {
// extract top 5
let top = this.langs.filter(l => /esp|eng|fra|deu|ita/gi.test(l.code))
let remainder = this.langs.filter(l => !/esp|eng|ita|fra|deu/gi.test(l.code))
// Order the top 5
let order = ['esp', 'eng', 'fra', 'deu', 'ita']
top = top.sort( (a,b) => order.indexOf(a.code) - order.indexOf(b.code))
// Create the array of languages. [ [esp, fra, eng, deu, ita], [ara, chi...] ]
let languages = []
let tmp = []
while (remainder.length) {
// Remove first element from `remainder` and store it in `obj`
let obj = remainder.shift()
// Push that obj to the tmp array
// If the remainder array is divisible by 4, push it to 'cols'
// array and empty `tmp` so it's clear next loop
if (remainder.length % 4 == 0) {
tmp = []
return languages
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@media $phone
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// The languages list div
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transition opacity,transform
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transition-timing-function ease-out,ease-in
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font-family: gothamlight
&:nth-child(6n+1) { width: 231px; }
&:nth-child(6n+2) { width: 160px; }
&:nth-child(6n+3) { width: 161px; }
&:nth-child(6n+4) { width: 110px; }
&:nth-child(6n+4) { width: 150px; }
&:nth-child(6n+5) { width: 160px; }
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@media (max-width: 870px)
left -289px
@media (max-width: 700px)
width 473px
left -162px
font-size 14px
width 33.2%!important
// this is the horizontal line diving top langs
top 2.8em
@media $phone
display none
display none
background url(https://resources.rosettastone.com/assets/lp/1531324408/sbsr/assets/white-down-arrow.svg) no-repeat 96% center #262626
border-radius 36px
background none
color #fff
border 1px solid transparent
width 100%
padding .8em
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font-size 1.2em
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-webkit-appearance none
@media $phone
display block
width 16px
height 16px
display inline-block
position relative
top 2px
right -7px
svg.lang-arrow *,
svg.lang-close *
display: inline-block;
stroke: gold;
fill: gold;
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform .4s ease-in-out;
transition: transform .4s ease-in-out;
// Media Queries for language list
@media (max-width: 1080px)
width 690px
border 1px solid red
left -209px
border 2px solid blue
display flex
flex-wrap wrap
flex-direction column
flex-basis 33%
flex-wrap wrap
width 100%!important//33.2%!important
// this is the horizontal line diving top langs
top 2em