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// http://tabbit.org/9p
// *****************************************************
// *****************************************************
// decide if you want to have bonus months included in monthly price division
var we_want_to_change_monthly_divisor = true;
function run_offer(offer_type){
// add best value tab to preferred subscription
// add offer to preferred subscription(s) - options include tutoring, bonus_months_low, bonus_months_high
add_offer('12', offer_type);
add_offer('24', offer_type);
// run_offer('tutoring');
var offer_for_page = {
// tests
// 'pumpkinpieafi': 'tutoring',
// 'bluegloveafi': 'bonus_months_high',
// 'em3payadi': 'bonus_months_low',
// black friday
'embf12saleadi': 'tutoring',
'embf24saleadi': 'tutoring',
'embf50saleadi': 'tutoring',
'embf40saleadi': 'tutoring',
'embf9pmsaleadi': 'tutoring',
'embf7pmsaleadi': 'tutoring',
'embf1299saleadi': 'tutoring',
// cyber monday
'cmtdealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmt1299dealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmtmonthdealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmt6dealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmt3dealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmt1dealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmt3pdealadi': 'tutoring',
'emcms40dealadi': 'tutoring',
'emcms50dealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmsdealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmsmonthdealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cms1299dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmsmonth127dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cms6dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cms3dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cms1dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cms3pdealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cms245dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cms246deal': 'bonus_months_low',
'cmsdealbadi': 'bonus_months_low',
'cms1299dealbadi': 'bonus_months_low',
'cms246dealadi': 'bonus_months_low',
'emcms246dealadi': 'bonus_months_low',
'cms128dealadi': 'bonus_months_low',
// cyber monday extended
'cmetmonthdeal': 'tutoring',
'cmetdealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmet1299dealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmet3dealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmet3pdealadi': 'tutoring',
'emcmes40dealadi': 'tutoring',
'emcmes50dealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmetmonthdealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmet6dealadi': 'tutoring',
'cmet1dealadi': 'tutoring',
'emcmetdealadi': 'tutoring',
'emcme9pmsaleadi': 'tutoring',
'emcme7pmsaleadi': 'tutoring',
'cmesmonthdealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmesmonth127dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmes3dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmess3pdealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmesdealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmes1299dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmes6dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmes1dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmes3pdealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmes245dealadi': 'bonus_months_high',
'cmes128dealadi': 'bonus_months_low',
'cmes246dealadi': 'bonus_months_low',
'cmes1299dealbadi': 'bonus_months_low',
'emcmes246dealadi': 'bonus_months_low',
'cmesdealbadi': 'bonus_months_low',
// Flash sale dec
'emholidayflash50adi': 'bonus_months_low',
'emholidaysanta50adi': 'bonus_months_low',
'emholidaytech2tsadi': 'tutoring',
'emholidayflash6adi': 'bonus_months_low',
'globe7tsadi': 'tutoring',
'yellow7tsadi': 'tutoring',
'emholidaysanta7tsadi' : 'tutoring',
'holidaysanta7tsadi': 'tutoring',
'globe6tsadi': 'bonus_months_low',
'mellowyellow599p3adi': 'bonus_months_low',
'yellowjan599p3adi': 'bonus_months_low'
// *****************************************************
// *****************************************************
var rsi = RSI && RSI.rsi;
rsi = RSI && RSI.header && RSI.header.mastheadImage.split('.')[0]; // use this variable instead of rsi name to avoid tripping up sitewide, rmsitewide, and ppc/sale
// *****************************************************
// USE THIS TO RUN OFFERS ON A SCHEDULE - note this is NOT in use because the masthead match is better (see above)
// *****************************************************
/*function get_offer_from_schedule(){
var schedule = [
// test for now
{ start:'Nov 16, 2017 00:00', end:'Nov 17, 2017 23:59', offer:'tutoring'},
// Black Friday: no offers for sitewide, rmsitewide, ppc/sale
// { start:'Nov 22, 2017 20:00', end:'Nov 26, 2017 11:59', offer:'tutoring'},
// Cyber Monday
{ start:'Nov 26, 2017 12:00', end:'Nov 27, 2017 23:59', offer:'bonus_months_low'},
// Cyber Tuesday
{ start:'Nov 28, 2017 09:30', end:'Nov 29, 2017 09:29', offer:'tutoring'},
// Cyber Wednesday
{ start:'Nov 29, 2017 09:30', end:'Nov 30, 2017 09:29', offer:'bonus_months_low'},
// Cyber Thursday
{ start:'Nov 30, 2017 09:30', end:'Dec 1, 2017 09:29', offer:'tutoring'},
// Cyber Friday
{ start:'Dec 1, 2017 09:30', end:'Dec 1, 2017 09:29', offer:'bonus_months_low'},
// Cyber Saturday
{ start:'Dec 2, 2017 09:30', end:'Dec 3, 2017 09:29', offer:'tutoring'},
// Cyber Sunday
{ start:'Dec 3, 2017 09:30', end:'Dec 4, 2017 10:00', offer:'bonus_months_low'}
var now = Date.now();
for(var i=0; i<schedule.length; i++){
if( Date.parse(schedule[i].start)<=now && now<=Date.parse(schedule[i].end) ){
return schedule[i].offer;
return null;
// *****************************************************
// *****************************************************
function add_offer(lvl, offer_type){
var offers = {
'tutoring': {
'12': {
promo_code: 'tutor_1special',
message: 'Includes 1 free live tutoring session'
'24': {
promo_code: 'tutor_2special',
message: 'Includes 2 free live tutoring sessions'
'bonus_months_low': {
'12': {
sku: '91213', // 12 + 1 month
message: 'Plus 1 bonus month'
'24': {
sku: '91211', // 24 + 3 month
message: 'Plus 3 bonus months'
'bonus_months_high': {
'12': {
sku: '90496', // 12 + 3 month
message: 'Plus 3 bonus months'
'24': {
sku: '90497', // 24 + 6 month
message: 'Plus 6 bonus months'
var promo_code = offers[offer_type][lvl].promo_code;
var sku = offers[offer_type][lvl].sku;
var offer_message = offers[offer_type][lvl].message;
// desktop elements
var $product_content = $('.js_oct_2016_price[data-lvl='+lvl+']').closest('.oct_2016_product_square_content');
var $product_header = $product_content.find('.oct_2016_product_square_header');
// mobile elements
var $mobile_product = $('.js_radio_lvl_mobile[data-lvl='+lvl+']').closest('.mobile_product_label');
// update product header style on desktop
var product_header_style = ''
+'padding-bottom: 0px;'
+'margin-bottom: 20px;'
+'position: relative;'
+'background-color: #3E3E40;'
+'color: #fff;'
$product_header.attr('style', product_header_style);
// show offer on desktop
var offer_style = ''
+'background-color: gold;'
+'background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #F2C534, #FEDE3B);'
+'box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 0px rgba(33,33,33,0.5);'
+'font-family: gothammedium, gothambook, sans-serif;'
+'color: #333;'
+'line-height: 1;'
+'padding: 10px;'
+'position: relative;'
+'top: 20px;'
+'margin-bottom: -5px;'
$product_header.append('<div class="on_page_offer" style="'+offer_style+'">'+offer_message+'</div>');
// show offer on mobile
var offer_style_mobile = ''
+'background-color: #01A13A;'
+'font-family: gothammedium, gothambook, sans-serif;'
+'color: #fff;'
+'line-height: 1;'
+'padding: 10px;'
+'font-size: 14px;'
+'text-transform: uppercase;'
+'max-width: 370px;'
+'margin: auto;'
+'box-sizing: border-box;'
+'border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;'
+'border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;'
+'box-shadow: 0px 5px 8px -3px rgba(33,33,33,0.5);'
var offer_html_mobile = '<div class="on_page_offer_mobile" style="'+offer_style_mobile+'">'+offer_message+'</div>';
var $mobile_target_elem = _isPricingMonthly ? $mobile_product.next('.monthly_mobilebottom') : $mobile_product;
'border-radius': 'unset',
'border-top-right-radius': '5px'
'border-radius': 'unset',
'box-shadow': '0px 0px 5px 0px rgba(33,33,33,0.4)'
// fix mobile product style if best value tab is absent
var is_best_value_absent = !$mobile_product.prev('.best_value_mobile_container').length;
'border-top-left-radius': '5px'
// add offer data to cart url
$('.js_oct_2016_addtocart[data-lvl='+lvl+']').attr('href', function(){
var url = this.href;
return add_offer_to_url(url, promo_code, sku);
// make sure offer data stays in cart url whenever cart buttons update
$(document).on('cart_update', function(){
$('.js_oct_2016_addtocart[data-lvl='+lvl+']').attr('href', function(){
var url = this.href;
return add_offer_to_url(url, promo_code, sku);
// monthly divisor updates for bonus month offers
if( window._isPricingMonthly && we_want_to_change_monthly_divisor && /bonus_months/i.test(offer_type) ){
// update relevant monthly prices on page load
change_monthly_divisor(lvl, offer_type);
// update relevant monthly prices on each price change
$(document).on('price_update', function(){
change_monthly_divisor(lvl, offer_type);
// add legal language if not already present
var message = 'The price per month displayed is the current promotional price divided by the selected subscription term, including bonus months.';
$('<p class="divisor_legal_update">'+message+'</p>').insertBefore('.footer-links p:eq(3)');
$('.footer-links p').css({'padding-bottom': '1em'});
$('.footer-links p:last-of-type').css({'padding-top': '4em'});
// *****************************************************
// *****************************************************
function add_offer_to_url(url, promo_code, sku){
url = url.replace(/\/sku\/\d+/i,'/sku/'+sku);
var url_contains_promo = (new RegExp(promo_code, 'i')).test(url);
url = url.replace(/(pc=[^&]+)/i, '$1,'+promo_code);
return url;
function init_on_page_offers(){
window._isPricingMonthly = !!$('.monthly_mobilebottom').length;
// remove previous best value callout on desktop and mobile
$('.js_oct_2016_product .oct_2016_best_value, .labelcontain.topper').remove();
// if monthly pricing layout is on, style mobile accordingly
'border-top-left-radius': '5px',
'border-top-right-radius': '5px',
'border-bottom-right-radius': 'unset',
'border-bottom-left-radius': 'unset'
function change_monthly_divisor(lvl, offer_type){
var divisor = {
'bonus_months_low': {
'12': 12+1,
'24': 24+3
'bonus_months_high': {
'12': 12+3,
'24': 24+6
var price_full = RSI({'lvl':lvl,'cat':'esp'})[0].price;
var price_divided = (+price_full / divisor[offer_type][lvl]).toFixed(2).split('.');
var price_int = price_divided[0];
var price_decimal = price_divided[1];
// update prices on desktop
var price_html_desktop = price_int + '<div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 0.385em; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; margin-top: 0.3em; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 1.2;"><p>.'+price_decimal+'</p><p>/Month</p></div>';
// update prices on mobile
$('.mobile_price.js_oct_2016_price[data-lvl='+lvl+'] + .productcents > p:first-of-type').html('.'+price_decimal);
// *****************************************************
// *****************************************************
function add_best_value(lvl){
// desktop elements
var $product_box = $('.js_oct_2016_price[data-lvl='+lvl+']').closest('.js_oct_2016_product');
var $product_content = $('.js_oct_2016_price[data-lvl='+lvl+']').closest('.oct_2016_product_square_content');
// mobile elements
var $mobile_product = $('.js_radio_lvl_mobile[data-lvl='+lvl+']').closest('.mobile_product_label');
// show best value on desktop
var best_value_style_desktop = ''
+'background-color: #00A139;'
+'color: #fff;';
var desktop_best_value_html = '<div class="oct_2016_best_value" style="'+best_value_style_desktop+'">Best Value</div>';
// show best value on mobile
var best_value_style_mobile = ''
+'line-height: 1;'
+'display: inline-block;'
+'padding: 7px 14px;'
+'border-top-right-radius: 6px;'
+'border-top-left-radius: 6px;'
+'background-color: gold;'
+'background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #F2C534, #FEDE3B);'
+'box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 0px rgba(33,33,33,0.5);'
+'font-size: 14px;'
+'color: #333;'
+'text-transform: uppercase;'
+'font-family: gothambold, gothammedium, gothambook, sans-serif;'
var product_style_mobile = ''
+'position: relative;'
+'margin-top: 0px;'
+'border-top-left-radius: 0px;'
+'box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px rgba(33,33,33,0.4);'
product_style_mobile += ''
+'border-radius: unset;'
+'border-top-right-radius: 5px;'
var mobile_best_value_html = ''
+'<div class="best_value_mobile_container" style="margin:10px auto 0px; max-width:370px; text-align:left;">'
+'<div class="best_value_mobile" style="'+best_value_style_mobile+'">Best Value</div>'
$mobile_product.attr('style', product_style_mobile);