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text = 'Debido a que su privacidad es importante para nosotros, le informamos que hemos actualizado nuestra <a href="'+link+'" target="_blank">Política de Privacidad del Sitio Web</a>. Puede encontrar la nueva Política de Privacidad <a href="'+link+'" target="_blank">aquí</a>'
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link = 'https://resources.rosettastone.com/CDN/uk/pdfs/website-privacy-policy-uk.pdf'
text = "Because your privacy is important to us, we inform you that we have updated our <a href='"+link+"' target='_blank'>Website Privacy Policy</a>.<br>You can find the new Privacy Policy <a href='"+link+"' target='_blank'>here</a>."
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buttonText = 'fermer et continuer'
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text = 'Debido a que su privacidad es importante para nosotros, le informamos que hemos actualizado nuestra <a href="'+link+'" target="_blank">Política de Privacidad del Sitio Web</a>. Puede encontrar la nueva Política de Privacidad <a href="'+link+'" target="_blank">aquí</a>'
buttonText = 'cerrar y continuar'
case 'www.rosettastone.it':
link = 'https://resources.rosettastone.com/CDN/uk/pdfs/website-privacy-policy-uk.pdf'
text = "Poiché la vostra privacy è importante per noi, vi informiamo che abbiamo aggiornato la nostra politica sulla <a href='"+link+"' target='_blank'>privacy del sito web</a>. Potete trovare la nuova informativa sulla privacy <a href='"+link+"' target='_blank'>qui</a>"
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case 'www.rosettastone.eu':
link = 'https://resources.rosettastone.com/CDN/uk/pdfs/website-privacy-policy-uk.pdf'
text = "Because your privacy is important to us, we inform you that we have updated our <a href='"+link+"' target='_blank'>Website Privacy Policy</a>.<br>You can find the new Privacy Policy <a href='"+link+"' target='_blank'>here</a>."
buttonText = 'close and continue'
link = '/privacy'
text = "Because your privacy is important to us, we inform you that we have updated our <a href='"+link+"' target='_blank'>Website Privacy Policy</a>.<br>You can find the new Privacy Policy <a href='"+link+"' target='_blank'>here</a>."
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