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import prettyjson from 'json-stringify-pretty-compact'
import { createFile } from './fileHandler';
* This function creates a pages.json file
* First we format the RSI objects to how
* we want. Then write to file.
* @param {Array} rsiArray - A copy of the array of RSI objects
* @param {Obj} promosArray - Object with all promocodes.
* @param {Object} config - App's config obj
const createPagesFile = (rsiArray, promosArray, config) => {
rsiArray = rsiArray.map(rsi => {
/* promosArray looks like:
id: 'rec5RPZiV2opeBFlR', <---- matches an rsi's `promo`
PromoNodeName: 'GOLDENGATE',
SUB_24: [ 'recH3j8C9n7ne1HDE' ],
SUB_12: [ 'recSvM75aJPPKQqWV' ],
SUB_6: [ 'recWE8HSRTEeAy3Yh' ],
SUB_3: [ 'recSXcOJXPyp97739' ],
SUB_1: [ 'recAFQwNDFaj55BWz' ],
SUB_18: [ 'recomEOORqRJsgtxG' ],
SUB_27: [ 'recaWOSCLCVSA41SK' ],
SUB_8: [ 'recQCaO8VVoYKTQOr' ],
SUB_lifetime: [ 'recaWOSCLCVSA41SK' ],
SUB_30: [ 'recaWOSCLCVSA41SK' ],
SUB_15: [ 'recomEOORqRJsgtxG' ],
SUB_36: [ 'recaWOSCLCVSA41SK' ],
SUB_13: [ 'recomEOORqRJsgtxG' ]
rsi looks like:
id: 'winterdeal6adi',
promo: [ 'rec0eeZTPnxkFNloj' ], <----- ID from the promosArray above
[{ id: 'att4962PF2VRE7Kau',
url: 'https://dl.airtable.com/H7wyOe1Qcmv9v1rSrtVa_winter6-d.jpg',
filename: 'winter6-d.jpg',
size: 71266,
type: 'image/jpeg',
thumbnails: [Object] } ],
[{ id: 'attMMRPhhoT2aPITp',
url: 'https://dl.airtable.com/0FvpYx6ORqiYYuEgntMG_winter6.jpg',
filename: 'winter6.jpg',
size: 28684,
type: 'image/jpeg',
thumbnails: [Object] } ],
expirationdate: 'December 31, 2018 23:59',
campaign: undefined,
bonusmonths: undefined,
bogo: undefined,
productfilter: undefined,
js: undefined,
css: undefined
// Image should have been created already. No longer needed since
// rsi.mastheadimg = `rsi name`. Both desktop and mobile images have
// the rsi name as filename, but stored in different folders.
delete rsi.mastheadmobile
// Replace rsi.mastheadimg with rsi name, since the image file is the rsi name.
rsi.mastheadimg = `${rsi.id}.jpg`
// Replace rsi.promo with the name value (currently it's an id)
let newPromo = "";
if (rsi.promo && rsi.promo[0]) {
let tmp = promosArray.filter(p => p.id === rsi.promo[0]);
if (tmp[0] && tmp[0].PromoNodeName) {
newPromo = tmp[0].PromoNodeName.trim();
rsi.promo = newPromo;
// Optional fields in Airtable, when left blank, defaults to undefined.
// Here we convert them to null or whatever else we want
rsi.campaign = rsi.Campaign === undefined ? '' : rsi.Campaign;
rsi['bonusmonths'] = rsi['bonusmonths'] === undefined ? null : rsi['bonusmonths'].split(',');
rsi['bogo'] = rsi['bogo'] === undefined ? null : rsi['bogo'].map(e => e);
rsi['productfilter'] = rsi['productfilter'] === undefined ? null : rsi['productfilter'].map(e => e);
rsi['ribbontext'] = rsi['ribbontext'] === undefined ? null : rsi['ribbontext']
rsi['offertext'] = rsi['offertext'] === undefined ? null : rsi['offertext']
rsi['xpay'] = rsi['xpay'] === undefined ? null : rsi['xpay']
rsi['fullprice'] = rsi['fullprice'] === undefined ? Boolean(false) : (rsi['fullprice'] === 'true')
rsi['productnames'] = rsi['productnames'] === undefined ? null : rsi['productnames']
rsi['mastheadText'] = rsi['mastheadText'] === undefined ? null : rsi['mastheadText']
// If ribbontext is set, let's format it into an object.
// It's a longtext in Airtable, so we split at newline
// We format them into an object so we have a js object on the landing page.
// It should be set in airtable like this: month:locale:text. ie, 6:en:best value
const ribbonText = rsi.ribbontext ? rsi.ribbontext.trim() : null;
if (ribbonText) {
let ribbonObj = {};
let texts = ribbonText.split("\n");
for (let obj of texts) {
let [ month, locale, text, background, color, headerbackground, headercolor ] = obj.split(':');
if (!month || !locale || !text) {
console.error(`[ ERROR ] Formatting error on ribbon text of page \'${rsi.id}\'`);
console.error('month: ' + month + '\nlocale: ' + locale + '\ntext: ' + text + '\nbackground: ' + background
+ '\ncolor: ' + color + '\nheaderbackground: ' + headerbackground + '\nheadercolor: ' + headercolor );
locale = locale.trim();
text = text.trim();
month = month.toLowerCase().trim();
background = background ? background.trim() : null;
color = color ? color.trim() : null;
headerbackground = headerbackground ? headerbackground.trim() : null;
headercolor = headercolor ? headercolor.trim() : null;
if (locale == config.locale) {
ribbonObj[month] = {text, background, color, headerbackground, headercolor};
rsi.ribbontext = ribbonObj;
// If offertext is set, let's format it into an object.
// It's a longtext in Airtable, so we split at newline
// We format them into an object so we have a js object on the landing page.
// {6: 'foo!', 24: 'bar!'}
// It should be set in airtable like this: month:locale:text. ie, 6:en:best value
//if (Object.entries(rsi.offertext)) {
if (rsi.offertext) {
let offerObj = {}
let texts = rsi.offertext.split("\n\r")
for (let obj of texts) {
let [ month, locale, text ] = obj.split(':')
if (month == undefined || locale == undefined || text == undefined) {
console.error(`[ ERROR ] Formatting error on offer text of page \'${rsi.id}\'`);
if (locale.trim() == config.locale) {
offerObj[month.toLowerCase()] = text.trim()
rsi.offertext = offerObj
// If producctname is set...
if (rsi.productnames) {
let namesObj = {}
let names = rsi.productnames.split("\n")
for (let obj of names) {
let [ product, locale, text ] = obj.split(':')
if (product == undefined || locale == undefined || text == undefined) {
console.error(`[ ERROR ] Formatting error on product name of page \'${rsi.id}\'`);
if (locale.trim() == config.locale) {
namesObj[product] = text.trim()
rsi.productnames = namesObj
rsi.mastheadText = processMastheadText(rsi.mastheadText, config.locale);
// Xpay is separated by a comma. ie, "24:3" (will show 3-pay on 24m)
if (Object.entries(rsi.xpay).length) {
let tmp = {}
let xpays = rsi.xpay.split("\n")
for (let xpay of xpays) {
let [ month, divisor ] = xpay.split(':')
tmp[month] = divisor
rsi.xpay = tmp
// This probably shouldn't be here, but if an RSI has custom JS or CSS,
// write it to a file (ie, custom-js/sitewide.js, custom-css/sitewide.css, etc)
// And no need to keep the custom js and css in the RSI object, as the contents
// are already written to a file, and it'll increase the size of the JS model later.
// We replace the value with '1' to let our landing page know that there is a custom
// css or js file associated with the page, and it will then insert it.
// So basically instead of the RSI model having something like
// RSI.js = 'some long js code'... it will just be RSI.js = 1
// The landing page template will check for this, and if RSI.js is 1,
// it'll create script tags and insert the js file, since it know it exists.
if (rsi['js'] !== undefined)
let filepath = `${config.dstpath}/custom-js/${rsi.id}.js`
createFile(filepath, rsi['js'])
rsi['js'] = 1
rsi['js'] = 0
if (rsi['css'] !== undefined)
let filepath = `${config.dstpath}/custom-css/${rsi.id}.css`
createFile(filepath, rsi['css'])
rsi['css'] = 1
rsi['css'] = 0
return rsi
let dstPath = `${config.dstpath}/json/pages.json`
createFile(dstPath, prettyjson(rsiArray));
export function processMastheadText(inputMastheadText, locale) {
* Masthead text. In Airtable, it should be stored like this
* `======
* en
* 1:: ffffff :: Binge Life
* 2:: ffed038 :: Flip Between languages as often as you like
* 3:: ffffff :: __price__
* 4:: ffffff:: __msrp___ lifetime subscription
* ======
* es
* 1:: ffffff :: Binge vida
* 2:: ffed038 :: Flip Between languages as often as you like
* 3:: ffffff :: __price__
* 4:: ffffff:: __msrp___ lifetime subscription`;
* We then:
* 1. split at =====
* 2. Filter out empty elements
* 3. Filter for the locale (element 0 should be the locale, per format shown above)
let mastheadText = null;
if (inputMastheadText) {
// Split at ====== and filter out any empty elements.
// After splits, element [0] is always empty string, so we filter a lot
let content = inputMastheadText.split("======\n");
let mode;
if (content.length && ['left', 'right', 'center', 'xpay'].indexOf(content[0].trim()) >= 0) {
mode = content[0].trim() + "-mode";
} else {
throw "--- first line of masthead text must be 'left, 'right', 'center', or 'xpay'";
content = content.filter(e => e.substr(0, e.indexOf("\n")).trim() === locale);
// This happens if there is no masthead text for this locale. ie,
// If we compile for pt but pages with mastheadTexts don't have something like
// ======
// pt
// 1:: ffffff :: Preparado para mudar sua vida?
// 2:: ffffff :: Tente idiomas ilimitados
// 3:: ffffff :: <stackedsuper><stackedtop>USD</stackedtop>$</stackedsuper>199
if (!content.length) {
console.warn("------- ERROR -------: No masthead text for this locale")
content = content[0].trim().split("\n").map(e => e.trim());
// Remove the locale at position 0
// error checking
if ((mode === 'left' || mode === "right" || mode === 'center') && content.length !== 4) {
throw `--- masthead text for mode '${mode}' must have 4 lines of content for locale '${locale}' but instead has ${content.length}`;
} else if (mode === "xpay" && content.length !== 6) {
throw `--- masthead text for mode 'xpay' must have 6 lines of content for locale '${locale}' but instead has ${content.length}`;
let textContent = [];
for (let line of content) {
let [ , color, text] = line.split("::").map(e => e.trim());
color: `#${color}`,
if (mode === "left-mode" || mode === "right-mode" ) {
if (textContent[1].text && mode === "left-mode") {
mode = "left-2-line-title-mode";
else if (textContent[1].text && mode === "right-mode") {
mode = "right-2-line-title-mode";
else if (!textContent[1].text && mode === "left-mode") {
mode = "left-1-line-title-mode";
textContent.splice(1, 1);
else {
mode = "right-1-line-title-mode";
textContent.splice(1, 1);
mastheadText = {};
mastheadText.mode = mode;
mastheadText.content = textContent;
return mastheadText;
export default createPagesFile;