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#!/usr/bin/env groovy
import com.rosettastone.JenkinsShared
pipeline {
agent { label 'needsSeriousRam' }
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '25'))
stages {
stage('merge_in_master') {
steps {
setupApp(appName: 'zoom', defaultHipchatRoom: 'Zoom')
stage('commit_stage') {
steps {
// standard buildApp, but not using a node and stashing public
timestamps {
checkout scm
script {
try {
def SHOULD_SKIP_E2E_TESTS = sh (script: "git log -1 | grep '\\[ci e2e skip\\]'", returnStatus: true)
def SHOULD_SKIP_UNIT_TESTS = sh (script: "git log -1 | grep '\\[ci unit skip\\]'", returnStatus: true)
stash name: 'public', includes: 'public/**'
} finally {
junit 'test/reports/*.xml'
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'test/screenshots/**/*.png'
stage('deploy_to_test') {
steps {
unstash 'public'
sh "ssh deploy@opxdev.lan.flt 'mkdir -p /usr/website/content/resources.rosettastone.com/rs/zoom/builds'"
sh "ssh deploy@opxdev.lan.flt 'mkdir -p /usr/website/content/resources.rosettastone.com/rs/zoom/feature'"
sh "ssh deploy@opxdev.lan.flt 'mkdir -p /usr/website/content/resources.rosettastone.com/rs/zoom/releases'"
// sh "ssh deploy@opxdev.lan.flt 'mkdir -p /usr/website/content/resources.rosettastone.com/rs/zoom/storybook'"
sh "rsync -auvz ./public/ deploy@opxdev.lan.flt:/usr/website/content/resources.rosettastone.com/rs/zoom/builds/${BUILD_TAG}"
// sh "rsync -auvz ./storybook-static/ deploy@opxdev.lan.flt:/usr/website/content/resources.rosettastone.com/rs/zoom/storybook/${BUILD_TAG}"
sh "ssh deploy@opxdev.lan.flt 'ln -nsf /usr/website/content/resources.rosettastone.com/rs/zoom/builds/${BUILD_TAG} /usr/website/content/resources.rosettastone.com/rs/zoom/${BRANCH_NAME}'"
stage('community_integration_tests') {
steps {
timestamps {
checkout scm
script {
try {
def SHOULD_SKIP_E2E_TESTS = sh (script: "git log -1 | grep '\\[ci e2e skip\\]'", returnStatus: true)
def SHOULD_SKIP_UNIT_TESTS = sh (script: "git log -1 | grep '\\[ci unit skip\\]'", returnStatus: true)
sh "bash -c \"export SHOULD_SKIP_E2E_TESTS=${SHOULD_SKIP_E2E_TESTS} && export SHOULD_SKIP_UNIT_TESTS=${SHOULD_SKIP_UNIT_TESTS} && bin/ci-acceptance\""
} finally {
junit 'test/reports/*.xml'
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'test/screenshots/**/*.png'
stage('dev_deploy') {
when {
branch 'master'
steps {
sh "ssh deploy@opxdev.lan.flt 'cp -r /usr/website/content/resources.rosettastone.com/rs/zoom/builds/${BUILD_TAG} /usr/website/content/resources.rosettastone.com/rs/zoom/releases/${BUILD_NUMBER}'"
sh "curl https://totale-dev.dev.rosettastone.com/api/config/update_zoom_release?branch_name=releases/${BUILD_NUMBER}"
stage('merge_back') {
when {
branch 'master'
steps {
echo 'take the version we just deployed and merge it into all active feature branches, where active feature branches include those with open pull requests'
post {
always {
postProcessBuild(processTestResults: false)