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# Start things that should run regardless of the WM,
# such as conky and nitrogen. Then, use an if statement
# to start things that should only be in that WM,
# for instance, we don't want to start tint2 in i3
# Specify the WM. openbox, i3, etc.
# Things that should run, regardless of WM
exec xrdb ~/Dropbox/dev/dotfiles/.Xresources &
exec xcompmgr &
exec dropbox &
(sleep 4 && exec .screenlayout/monitors.sh) &
(sleep 4 && exec nitrogen --restore) &
(sleep 3 && exec xflux -z 33158) &
# Special keys for laptop
sudo illum-d &
xbindkeys -p &
#(sleep 3 && exec xcompmgr -c -C -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.55) &
#eval `dircolors /etc/dir_colors` &
if [[ $WM == 'i3' ]]; then
(sleep 3 && /usr/bin/nm-applet --sm-disable) &
$(xrandr --listproviders | grep -q "modesetting") && xrandr --setprovideroutputsource 4 0
exec i3
elif [[ $WM == 'spectrwm' ]]; then
exec spectrwm
elif [[ $WM == 'openbox' ]]; then
exec tint2 &
(sleep 4 && exec `xcompmgr` && exec `conky -c .conkyrc2` && exec `conky -c .conkyrc3` ) &&
(sleep 3 && /usr/bin/nm-applet --sm-disable) &
exec openbox-session