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This is the tempalate for creating and editing a page.
When editing, theres should be /create/page/id/<pagee>
where <page> is the page name.
<h2 class="ui header" v-if='!editMode'>Create a Landing Page</h2>
<h2 class="ui header" v-else>Update {{ name }}</h2>
<div class="ui massive red message" v-if='editMode && !pageFound && !isFetching'>
<i class="warning circle icon"></i>
This page no longer exists.
<form class="ui form"
:class="{'loading': isSubmitting}"
v-if='(editMode && pageFound) || !editMode'
<div class="ui large header"></div>
<div class="three fields">
<div class="required field" :class="{'error' : pageExists}">
<label>Name <span v-if="pageExists">- Already exists!</span></label>
<span style="color: cadetblue;letter-spacing:1px"><b>{{name}}</b></span>
<input type="text" name="name" v-model="name" value="" @keyup='handleName' :disabled="editMode">
<div class="required field">
<i>Promos this page will use</i>
<select class="ui search selection dropdown"
<option value="">select a promo</option>
<option :value=promo v-for='promo in promosets'>{{ promo }}</option>
<div class="required field">
<i>Phone no. on top</i>
<input type="text" name="phone" v-model="phone">
<div class="three fields">
<div class="required field">
<i>Expiration date</i>
<input type="text" placeholder='09/10/2017 11:59pm' name='expiration' v-model='expiration'>
<!-- <div class="required field">
<i>RTO to apply:</i>
<input type="text" value="1-800-ROSETTA">
</div> -->
<div class="required field">
<i>Market page belongs to</i>
<select class="ui selection dropdown" v-model='market' name='market'>
<option value="us">us</option>
<option value="es">es</option>
<div class="field">
<i>Crescendo to apply, if any</i>
<select class="ui search selection dropdown" name='crescendos' v-model='crescendo'>
<option value="">select a crescendo</option>
<option :value=c v-for='c in crescendos'>{{ c }}</option>
<!-- <div class="three fields">
</div> -->
<div class="ui basic segment">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui slider checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="constant" class="hidden" v-model='constant'>
This is a constant page
<i class="help circle icon color grey" data-popup data-content="Constnat pages are pages that are always receiving
traffic, and flip with each campaign. (ie, sitewide, rmsitewide, sale, social, etc)" data-variation="inverted"></i>
<div class="ui segments">
<div class="ui secondary segment">
<div class="two fields">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui left icon fluid input">
<input type="text" @keyup="handleMastheadKeyup" placeholder="Search mastheads...">
<i class="search icon"></i>
<div class="required field">
<select class="ui search selection dropdown" name='mastheadtype' v-model='mastheadType'>
<option value="">select visual type</option>
<option :value=type v-for='type in mastheadTypes'>{{ type }}</option>
<div class="ui segment" data-mastheads>
<div class="mastheads-container">
<div class="masthead-wrap"
v-for='img in mastheads'
:class='{"selected" : img.selected}'
<div>{{ img.name }}</div>
<img :src=img.uri />
<div class="ui bottom attached red message" style="display:none">
<i class="warning circle big icon"></i>
You must select a masthead!
<!-- <h4 class="ui section horizontal divider header">
<i class="setting icon color grey"></i>
Additional Optional Fields
</h4> -->
<div class="ui styled fluid accordion">
<div class="title"><i class="dropdown icon"></i>Masthead texts</div>
<div class="content">
<div class="two fields">
<div class="field">
<label>Top HTML</label>
<i>HTML shown above price</i>
<textarea name="tophtml" v-model='tophtml' rows="2"></textarea>
<div class="field">
<label>Bottom HTML</label>
<i>HTML displayed below price</i>
<textarea name='bottomhtml' v-model='bottomhtml' rows="2"></textarea>
<div class="title"><i class="dropdown icon"></i>Javascript</div>
<div class="content">
<div class="field">
<textarea name="js" v-model='js'></textarea>
<div class="title"><i class="dropdown icon"></i>CSS</div>
<div class="content">
<div class="field">
<textarea name="css" v-model='css'></textarea>
</div> <!-- /accordion -->
<div class="ui small header" v-if='formResult.result !== null'>
class="ui message"
:class="{'negative' : formResult.result == 0, 'positive' : formResult.result == 1}"
v-if="formResult.result !== null"
<div class="header">
<i class="warning circle icon" v-if='formResult.result == 0'></i>
<i class="checkmark large icon" v-if='formResult.result == 1'></i>
<span v-html="formResult.message"></span>
<div class="ui small header">
<div v-if='!editMode'>
<button class="ui right right floated big teal button" data-env='prod' @click='handleSubmit'>Create in prod</button>
<button class="ui right right floated big button" data-env='stg' @click='handleSubmit'>Create in stg</button>
<div v-else>
<button class="ui right right floated big teal button" data-env='prod' @click='handleSubmit'>Update in prod</button>
<button class="ui right right floated big button" data-env='stg' @click='handleSubmit'>Update in stg</button>
class="ui right right floated big red button"
disabled="" @click='handleDelete'
export default {
name: 'CreatePage',
data() {
return {
// --page info (shown on site)-- //
name: '',
promoset: '',
phone: '1-800-ROSETTA',
expiration: '',
market: 'us',
crescendo: '',
mastheadType: '',
constant: '',
js: '',
css: '',
tophtml: '',
bottomhtml: '',
// --other component things-- //
isSubmitting: false,
selectedMasthead: null,
promosets: [],
pages: [],
mastheads: [],
mastheadTypes: [],
crescendos: [],
pageExists: false,
editMode: false,
pageFound: null,
isFetching: false,
formResult: {
result: null,
message: null
created() {
* If we are editing (create/flip/id/some-date in the url)
* fetch all the info to polulate the state with
if (this.$route.params.page) {
this.editMode = true
this.isFetching = true
/* Get values for our dropdowns */
$.getJSON(`${window.server}/promosets`, r => this.promosets = Object.keys(r))
$.getJSON(`${window.server}/crescendos`, r => this.crescendos = r)
$.getJSON(`${window.server}/masthead-types`, r => this.mastheadTypes = r)
// This was here for in real time 'page exists' as user typed name
//$.getJSON(`${window.server}/pages`, r => this.pages = r)
$.getJSON(`${window.server}/mastheads/`, r=> {
this.mastheads = r
.filter(img => img.match(/sbsr-desktop/i))
.map(i => ({
uri: `${window.server}/mastheads/${i}`,
name: i.split('.')[0].split('-')[2],
fullname: i,
selected: self.selectedMasthead == i ? true : false,
visible: true
mounted() {
var self = this
/* Initialize dropdowns */
const $ddPromosets = $(this.$el).find('[data-dropdown-promosets]')
const $ddCrescendos = $(this.$el).find('select[name=crescendos]')
const $ddMarket = $(this.$el).find('select[name=market]')
const $ddMastheadTypes = $(this.$el).find('select[name=mastheadtype]')
if (this.editMode) {
$.getJSON(`${window.server}/pages/`, r => {
var page = r.filter(p => p.name == this.$route.params.page)
if (page.length) {
page = page[0]
this.pageFound = true
this.name = page.name
this.phone = page.phone
this.expiration = page.expiration
this.promoset = page.promoset
this.crescendo = page.crescendo
this.mastheadType = page.mastheadtype
this.selectedMasthead = page.mastheadimage
this.constant = page.metadata.constant
this.market = page.metadata.market
this.tophtml = page.tophtml
this.bottomhtml = page.bottomhtml
this.css = page.css
this.js = page.js
/* Some UI stuff needs manual handling */
// If we're editing, we want to make selected masthead visible.
// Find masthead with same name as this.selectedMasthead and
// set its selected value to true. Then sort it to position 0
// So user sees as first image on the masthead list
this.mastheads = this.mastheads.map(m => {
m.selected = m.fullname === this.selectedMasthead ? true : false
return m
.sort(a => !a.selected)
// Presetting dropdown values
// $ddPromosets.dropdown('set value', this.promoset)
// $ddCrescendos.dropdown('set value', this.crescendo)
// $ddMarket.dropdown('set value', this.market)
// $ddMastheadTypes.dropdown('set value', this.mastheadType)
this.isFetching = false
// Initialize some semantic-ui DOM elements
// Define required form fields - visual purposes only
fields: {
'name': 'empty',
'promoset': 'empty',
'phone': 'empty',
'expiration': 'empty',
'market': 'empty',
'mastheadtype': 'empty'
updated() {
methods: {
handleName(e) {
this.name = e.target.value
this.pageExists = this.pages.includes(this.name) ? true : false
handleImageClick(e) {
var $parent = $(e.target).parents('.masthead-wrap')
$(this.$el).find('.mastheads-container .selected').removeClass('selected')
this.selectedMasthead = $parent.data('fullname')
* Filter masthead images as user types.
* Inefficient because done in a hurry
handleMastheadKeyup(e) {
var value = e.target.value
this.mastheads = this.mastheads.map(img => {
img.visible = img.name.match(value) ? true : false
return img
* Submit our form. No need to bind every single input to a state data.
* So we use jquery to grab the values of the form.
handleSubmit(e) {
self = this
, name = this.name.trim()
, promoset = this.promoset
, phone = this.phone
, expiration = this.expiration
, market = this.market
, mastheadimg = this.selectedMasthead
, mastheadtype = this.mastheadType
, constant = $('input[name=constant]').parent().hasClass('checked')
, crescendo = this.crescendo
, tophtml = this.tophtml
, bottomhtml = this.bottomhtml
, css = this.css
, js = this.js
, env = $(e.target).data('env')
if (!mastheadimg)
if (
|| !this.promoset
|| !this.expiration
|| !this.mastheadType
|| !this.selectedMasthead
|| !this.market
) return
self.isSubmitting = true
const formdata = new FormData()
formdata.append('name', name.toLowerCase())
formdata.append('promoset', promoset)
formdata.append('phone', phone)
formdata.append('expiration', expiration)
formdata.append('market', market)
formdata.append('constant', constant)
formdata.append('crescendo', crescendo)
formdata.append('mastheadimage', mastheadimg)
formdata.append('mastheadtype', mastheadtype)
formdata.append('tophtml', tophtml)
formdata.append('bottomhtml', bottomhtml)
formdata.append('css', css)
formdata.append('js', js)
formdata.append('inprod', env == 'prod' ? true : false)
const method = this.editMode ? 'PUT' : 'POST'
const url = `${window.server}/page/${this.editMode ? name : ''}`
const request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.open(method, url, true)
request.onload = function() {
if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) {
const response = JSON.parse(request.responseText)
self.formResult = {
result: response.result,
message: response.payload
} else {
self.formResult = { result: 0, message: 'Error on the server.' }
self.isSubmitting = false
request.onerror = function() {
self.formResult = { result: 0, message: 'Could not reach server.' }
self.isSubmitting = false
handleDelete(e) {