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<v-container grid-list-xl v-if='$store.state.products.crates.length'>
<h3 class="display-1" >Select Your Crates</h3>
Select the quantity of each
crate you'd like us to ship
<v-layout row wrap>
<!-- Left side - Crate Selection -->
<v-flex xs12 sm8 md8 lg6 xl4 offset-lg1 offset-xl2>
<v-layout row wrap>
<v-flex d-flex xs12 v-for="crate in $store.state.products.crates" :key='crate.name'>
<!-- <v-img src='https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/iStock-177303239.jpg'></v-img> -->
<v-layout row wrap>
<v-flex xs12>
<hooper :settings="hooperSettings">
<v-img src='/img/products/filtered/img_1563.jpeg'></v-img>
<v-img src='/img/products/filtered/img_1587.jpeg'></v-img>
<v-img src='/img/products/filtered/img_1592.jpeg'></v-img>
<v-img src='/img/products/filtered/img_1588.jpeg'></v-img>
<v-layout class="crate-selection">
<!-- count -->
<v-flex xs4 md3>
<NumberInput :crate-name="crate.name" :crate-id='crate.id' :crate-price='crate.price' />
<!-- description -->
<v-flex xs8 md9 class="crate-info">
{{ crate.name }} crate
<span v-for="(item, k, i) in crate.items" :key='i'>
<!-- don't show last — -->
<span v-if="k+1 < Object.keys(crate.items).length">
<!-- Right side -->
<v-flex xs12 sm4 md4 lg4>
<v-card class="grey lighten-2" dark>
<div class="order-summary">
<div class="price">
<span class="currency">$</span>{{ $store.getters['cart/cartTotal'] }}
:disabled="$store.getters['cart/cartTotal'] == 0">
<v-card-text class="text-sm-center">
( Shipping is <b>FREE</b> )
<v-card dark class="premium">
<div class="corner topleft"></div>
<div class="corner topright"></div>
<div class="corner bottomleft"></div>
<div class="corner bottomright"></div>
<v-switch label="Use Premium crates?"
Crates will be black with golden corners.<br>
Perfect for the business or executive guest. (+ $1)
<v-container v-else>
<Loading />
import NumberInput from '~/components/NumberInput'
import Loading from '~/components/Loading'
import { Hooper, Slide, Navigation as HooperNavigation } from 'hooper'
import 'hooper/dist/hooper.css';
export default {
layout: 'default',
components: {
data ()
return {
hooperSettings: {
vertical: true
async beforeMount ()
<style lang='stylus'>
margin-top 6em !important
margin-top 5em
font-size 2.3em
color #444
font-size 40%
display block
position relative
line-height 20px
color #777
letter-spacing 0.5px
color cadetblue
@media $xs
line-height inherit
font-size 60%
color #999
margin-left 0.4em
display inline-block
vertical-align top
@media $xs
margin-left 84px
font-size 24px
//background rgba(228, 227, 227, 0.2)
background lighten(#fff, .63)
padding 2em
border-radius 10px
color #666
//color #fff
font-size 4em
text-align center
//color $salmon
font-size 60%
position relative
top -19px
@media $xs
padding 1em
color inherit
font-size 2.5em
font-size 50%
// .premium
// margin-top 1em
// position relative
// p
// padding 9px 0
// color #ccc
// div.corner
// width 20px
// height 20px
// position absolute
// border-width 3px
// border-color gold
// border-style solid
// &.topleft
// top 0
// left 0
// border-right none
// border-bottom none
// &.topright
// top 0
// right 0
// border-left none
// border-bottom none
// &.bottomright
// bottom 0
// right 0
// border-left none
// border-top none
// &.bottomleft
// bottom 0
// left 0
// border-right none
// border-top none