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<p class="undertitle">Pricing</p>
<p>A name you know.</p>
<p>A brand you trust.</p>
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<figcaption>20 years of using insights gained through experience.</figcaption>
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<figcaption><span class="number txt">Millions</span> of learners worldwide</figcaption>
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<option value>Language Solutions For<span class="blueaster">*</span></option>
<option value="K-12">K-12 Schools</option>
<option value="Higher Education">Universities / Colleges</option>
<option value="Corporate">Businesses</option>
<option value="Government">Government Organizations</option>
<option value="Non Profit">Non Profit Organizations</option>
<option value="Private Use">Individual / Personal Use</option>
<option value="Technical">Technical Issues</option>
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