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var exp = 2 // change this to 1 or 2
if (exp === 1)
var newdata = {
"06": { dollar: '19', cents: '84', total: '119.94', currentpromo: 'parthenon_', newpromo: 'taxday' },
"12": { dollar: '14', cents: '92', total: '179.04', currentpromo: 'parthenon_', newpromo: 'taxday' }
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sale: 'taxday24M699',
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aprilshowers11: 'aprilshowers24M11',
earthday599: 'earthday24M599',
taxday599: 'taxday24M599'
var newdata = {
"03": { dollar: '18', cents: '99', total: '56.97', currentpromo: 'parthenon', newpromo: 'mountfuji' },
"06": { dollar: '16', cents: '99', total: '101.94', currentpromo: 'parthenon', newpromo: 'goldengate' },
"12": { dollar: '12', cents: '99', total: '155.88', currentpromo: 'parthenon', newpromo: 'goldengate' },
"24": { dollar: '8', cents: '49', total: '203.76', currentpromo: 'parthenon', newpromo: 'goldengate' }
// LP Redirects
var destination = {
sitewide: 'taxday3M1899',
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sale: 'taxday3M1799',
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taxday749: 'taxday3M1899',
taxday699: 'taxday3m1799',
aprilshowers11: 'aprilshowers3M27',
earthday599: 'earthday3M1699',
taxday599: 'taxday3M1699'
// Update best offer
var bv = $('.oct_2016_best_value').html('Introductory Offer').detach()
// mobile
if ($('.mobile_products_container.js_oct_2016_product').is(':visible'))
var bvm = $('.labelcontain.topper').css({margin: '11px 0 -13px', padding: '.5em 0'}).html('Introductory Offer').detach()
catch (e) { }
$('.mobile_product_label').eq(0).css({'border-top-left-radius' : '5px'})
$('.mobile_product_label').eq(0).css({'border-top-right-radius' : '5px'})
/************* CATALOG ****************/
if (!!window.location.href.match(/learn-/)) {
/***************** LP ****************/
// In Landing Pages, we redirect
Object.keys(destination).forEach(function(e,i) {
if (e == RSI.rsi) {
var re = new RegExp(e, "g");
var dst = window.location.href.replace(re, destination[e]);
window.location.href = dst
// Loop through cart buttons on desktop
$.each($('a.oct_2016_addtocart_square.js_oct_2016_addtocart'), function(i, e) {
var lvl = $(e).attr('data-lvl')
update_cart_buttons(lvl, $(e))
// Update egift add to cart when radio changes
$('#giftinglevelselect').on('change', function(e) {
update_cart_buttons(e.target.value, $('#giftingproduct_cartlink'))
// Update mobile add-to-cart when radio changes
$('.mobile_radio').on('change', function(e) {
var lvl = e.target.dataset.lvl
update_cart_buttons(lvl, $('.js_addtocart_mobile'))
Update Cart Buttons
function update_cart_buttons (lvl, $cartbtn)
if ( !(lvl in newdata)) return
var href = $cartbtn.attr('href')
var re = new RegExp(newdata[lvl].currentpromo, "g");
var newhref = href.replace(re, newdata[lvl].newpromo);
$cartbtn.attr('href', newhref)
function update_html (lvl)
if ( !(lvl in newdata)) return
// Desktop
$('span.oct_2016_big_price_square[data-lvl="'+lvl+'"] > div > p:first-of-type').html('.'+newdata[lvl].cents)
var $cents = $('span.oct_2016_big_price_square[data-lvl="'+lvl+'"] > div').detach()
// Mobile
$('.mobile_price.js_oct_2016_price.no_month[data-lvl="'+lvl+'"] + .productcents > p:first-of-type').html('.'+newdata[lvl].cents)
$('.mobile_msrp[data-lvl="'+lvl+'"] + strong').html('$' + newdata[lvl].total)
// Egift
$('p#giftingproduct_saleprice').html('$' + newdata[lvl].dollar)
$('.giftingproduct_buysection > div > p:first-of-type').html('.' + newdata[lvl].cents)