Tue Dec 12 2017
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'use strict';

function __giftingTest_doDOMAdjustments(D_el, initialized_product) {
    var cssString = '\n        <style>\n            #giftingsection {\n                font-size: 16px;\n                font-size: 1rem;\n                padding: 1em;\n                color: #FFFFFF;\n                contain: layout;\n                margin-top: 3em;\n                overflow: hidden;\n                position: relative;\n                margin-left: -1em;\n                margin-right: -1em;\n                text-align: center;\n            }\n\n            #giftingsection fieldset {\n                /* reset */\n                min-width: 100%;\n            }\n\n            #giftingsection_label {\n                background-color: #90070e;\n                padding: 1em 3em 1em 3em;\n                position: relative;\n                overflow: hidden;\n                font-family: gothammedium;\n                cursor: pointer;\n                border-radius: 7px;\n                display: inline-block;\n            }\n              #giftingsection_label > * {\n                z-index: 1;\n                position: relative;\n              }\n              #giftingsection_label > svg {\n                z-index: 0;\n              }\n\n            #showgifting {\n                visibility: hidden;\n                position: absolute;\n                z-index: -1;\n            }\n\n            #giftingexpansion {\n                box-sizing: border-box;\n                height: 0rem;\n                background-color: #ecc200;\n                margin-left: -1.75em;\n                margin-right: -1.75em;\n                margin-top: -2px;\n                transition-property: height;\n                transition-duration: .5s;\n                transition-timing-function: ease-out;\n                contain: content;\n                will-change: height;\n                position: relative;\n                height: 0;\n                overflow: hidden;\n            }\n\n            #showgifting:checked ~ #giftingexpansion {\n                transition-property: height;\n                transition-duration: .5s;\n                transition-timing-function: ease-out; \n                height: auto;\n                background-color: #ecc200;\n                margin-left: -1.75em;\n                margin-right: -1.75em;\n                contain: content;\n\n            }\n\n            #giftingexpansion > * {\n                position: relative;\n                z-index: 1;\n            }\n            #giftingexpansion > .gifting_bg {\n                \n                z-index: 0;\n            }\n\n            .giftingexpansion_levelselectsection {\n                margin-top: 2rem;\n                width: 50em;\n                max-width: 90%;\n                color: black;\n                text-align: left;\n                margin-left: auto;\n                margin-right: auto; \n            }\n                .giftingexpansion_levelselectsection label {\n                    display: block;\n                    text-align: center;\n\n                }\n                    .giftingexpansion_levelselectsection label b{\n                        display: block;\n                        text-align: center;\n                        font-size: 2em;\n                        color: #222;\n                        line-height: 1.25;\n                        font-family: GothamMedium;\n                    }\n                    .giftingexpansion_levelselectsection label i{\n                        display: block;\n                        text-align: center;\n                        font-size: 2em;\n                        color: #222;\n                        line-height: 1.25;\n                        font-family: GothamLight;\n                    }\n                    .giftingexpansion_levelselectsection label select {\n                        padding: 1em 3em 1em 1em;\n                        margin-top: 2em;\n                        margin-bottom: 2em;\n                    }\n                    .giftingexpansion_levelselectsection label select::-ms-expand {\n                        display: none;\n                    }\n                    .giftingexpansion_levelselectsection label .giftingproduct_selectdown {\n                        position: relative;\n                        left: -2.1em;\n                        display: inline-block;\n                        transform: rotate(90deg) scale(1, 1.5);\n                        pointer-events: none;\n                    }\n\n                .giftingexpansion_levelselectsection p {\n                    text-align: justify;\n                    line-height: 1.25;\n                }\n\n            .giftingexpansion_addtocartsection {\n                margin-top: 0.5rem;\n                padding-bottom: 0.5rem;\n\n            }\n                .giftingexpansion_addtocartsection  .giftingproduct {\n                    width: 17rem;\n                    background-color: transparent;\n                    margin: 0 auto;\n                    color: black;\n                    padding: 0rem 0rem 1rem 0rem;\n                }\n\n                    #giftingproduct_toplabel {\n                        background-color: transparent;\n                        \n                        color: white;\n                        padding: 0;\n                        margin-bottom: 0;\n                    }\n\n                    .giftingproduct_buysection {\n                        padding: 2rem 1rem 1rem 1rem;\n                        background-color: white;\n                        margin-top: -2px;\n                        padding-bottom: 2rem;\n                        border-bottom-left-radius: 11px;\n                        border-bottom-right-radius: 11px;\n                    }\n\n                        #giftingproduct_saleprice {\n                            font-family: gothamlight;\n                            font-size: 3.75rem;\n                        }\n                        .giftingproduct_strikecallout {\n                            margin-top: 1rem;\n                            margin-bottom: 1rem;\n                            font-size: .9em;\n                        }\n                            .giftingproduct_strikecallout del {\n                                color: red;\n                            }\n                        #giftingproduct_cartlink {\n                            vertical-align: middle;\n                            background-color: #34A4D9;\n                            color: #fff;\n                            border-radius: 3px;\n                            padding: 16px;\n                            text-transform: uppercase;\n                            text-decoration: none;\n                            font-size: 16px;\n                            font-family: gothambold;\n                            display: block;\n                            margin: 0 24px;\n                        }\n\n            .oct_2016_blue_bg {\n                contain: content;\n 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    function generateGiftingMarkup(initialized_product) {
        var monthly = !window.location.search.match(/showfull/gi);
        var monthlyprice = (Math.ceil(parseInt(initialized_product.price, 10) / parseInt(initialized_product.lvl, 10) * 100) / 100).toFixed(2);
        return '\n                        <p id="giftingproduct_saleprice" style="' + (monthly ? 'display: inline-block;' : '') + '">' + ('$' + (monthly ? monthlyprice.split('.')[0] : initialized_product.price)) + ' <div style="display: ' + (monthly ? 'inline-block' : 'none') + '; font-size: 1.485em; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; margin-top: 0.3em"><p>.' + monthlyprice.split('.')[1] + '</p><p>/Month</p></div></p>\n                        <p class="giftingproduct_strikecallout">' + (monthly ? '' : 'Regular') + ' <del>' + ('$' + initialized_product.msrp) + '</del>' + (monthly ? '&nbsp;$' + initialized_product.price + ' due today' : '') + '</p>\n                        <a id="giftingproduct_cartlink" aria-labelledby="giftingproduct_toplabel" aria-describedby="giftingproduct_saleprice" href="' + (initialized_product.cart + (initialized_product.cart.match(/\?/) ? '' : '?') + (initialized_product.cart.match(/\&$/) ? 'gifting=1' : '&gifting=1')) + '">Add to Cart</a>\n                ';

    var htmlString = '\n        <svg aria-hidden id="gifting_bg_defs" width="1px" height="1px" style="z-index: -1; position: absolute; left: -100vw;">\n            <defs>\n              <pattern id="redlines" x="0" y="0" width="20" height="100" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" patternTransform="rotate(50)" >\n\n                <rect x="0" y="0" height="100" width="10" style="stroke: none; fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: .10;" />\n                \n\n              </pattern>\n              <pattern id="redlinesb" x="0" y="0" width="20" height="100" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" patternTransform="translate(-6.1, 0) rotate(50)" >\n\n                <rect x="0" y="0" height="100" width="10" style="stroke: none; fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: .10;" />\n                \n\n              </pattern>\n              <pattern id="yllines" x="0" y="0" width="30" height="100" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" patternTransform="translate(-1, 0) rotate(50)" >\n\n                <rect x="0" y="0" height="100" width="15" style="stroke: none; fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: .15;" />\n                \n\n              </pattern>\n            </defs>\n        </svg>\n        <form id="giftingsection">\n            \n           \n                \n                <label id="giftingsection_label" for="showgifting">\n                <svg style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 0;" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice">\n                        <rect  x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" style="fill: url(#redlines);" />\n                </svg>\n                <span>eGIFT A SUBSCRIPTION</span>&emsp;<span class="opsymbol">&#x25BA;</span></label>               \n                <input aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="giftingexpansion" aria-labelledby="giftingsection_label" type="checkbox" id="showgifting" value="showgifting">\n                <section id="giftingexpansion">\n                    <svg class="gifting_topnotch" width="321.6px" height="48px" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin slice" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); display: block;">\n                        <polygon points="40,0 50,7.5 60,0" style="stroke:none; fill: #90070e;"/>\n                        <polygon points="40,0 50,7.5 60,0" style="stroke:none; fill: url(#redlinesb);"/>\n                    </svg>\n                    <svg class="gifting_bg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 0;" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice">\n                        <rect  x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" style="fill: url(#yllines);" />\n                    </svg>\n                    <div class="giftingexpansion_levelselectsection">\n                        <label>\n                            <b>Learn <span class="giftinglang">' + initialized_product.language + '</span></b>\n                            <i>eGift</i>\n                            <select aria-controls="giftingproduct_cartlink giftingproduct_toplabel" id="giftinglevelselect" name="levelselect">\n                                <option value="24" selected>24-Month Subscription</option>\n                                <option value="12">12-Month Subscription</option>\n                                <option value="06">6-Month Subscription</option>\n                                <option value="03">3-Month Subscription</option>\n                            </select><span class="giftingproduct_selectdown">&#x25BA;</span>\n                        </label> \n                        <p>Give the gift of lang&shy;uage to some&shy;one you care about. First, choose an e&shy;Card de&shy;sign. Add your sel&shy;ected product to the cart, then, pick a date to send. Your present will be de&shy;liv&shy;ered on that day, and the rec&shy;ipient can start using Rosetta Stone instantly.</p>   \n                    </div>\n                    <div class="giftingexpansion_addtocartsection">\n                        <div class="giftingproduct">\n                            <div id="giftingproduct_toplabel">\n                                <svg width="100%" height="145.6px" viewBox="0 0 231 124" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">\n                                    <title>Gift Ribbon</title>\n                                    <desc>Subscription E-Gift Ribbon</desc>\n                                    <defs></defs>\n                                    <g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">\n                                        <g id="Treatment-2---Gift-Option-Open--REV" transform="translate(-980.000000, -2522.000000)">\n                                  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font-weight="bold" fill="#FFFFFF">\n                                                                        <tspan id="gifting_svgmonth" x="70.532" y="84" style="font-family: gothammedium;">' + (parseInt(initialized_product.lvl, 10) + '') + '-MONTH</tspan>\n                                                                        <tspan x="38.283" y="102" style="font-family: gothamlight;" font-size="14" font-weight="300">SUBSCRIPTION eGIFT</tspan>\n                                                                    </text>\n                                                                    <g id="Gift-bow" transform="translate(30.000000, 0.000000)" fill-rule="nonzero">\n                                                                        <path d="M85,44.2875584 C32.0908138,39.0314747 14.3161119,22.4608323 10.6013301,10 L0,37.7873485 C0.00278469401,55.6776034 63.167999,50.2146314 73.8584393,50.2146314 L84.9972153,50.2146314 C85,50.2146314 85,47.0386149 85,44.2875584 Z" id="Shape" fill="#970000"></path>\n                                                                        <path d="M85,45.794261 C57.9123939,54.047262 27.2546932,16.469768 0.00556957049,37.4520685 L0,37.7391536 L10.7799037,9.9364906 C10.7799037,9.9364906 17.9702192,0 26.5195099,0 C47.9066606,0 57.2022737,36.2340471 85,36.2340471 C85,40.5152391 85,45.6298142 85,45.6298142 L85,45.794261 Z" id="Shape" fill="#B31200"></path>\n                                                                        <path d="M86,44.2875584 C138.909186,39.0314747 156.683888,22.4608323 160.39867,10 L171,37.7873485 C170.997215,55.6776034 107.832001,50.2146314 97.1415607,50.2146314 L86.0027847,50.2146314 C86,50.2146314 86,47.0386149 86,44.2875584 Z" id="Shape" fill="#970000"></path>\n                                                                        <path d="M86,45.794261 C113.087606,54.047262 143.745307,16.469768 170.99443,37.4520685 L171,37.7391536 L160.220096,9.9364906 C160.220096,9.9364906 153.029781,0 144.48049,0 C123.093339,0 113.797726,36.2340471 86,36.2340471 C86,40.5152391 86,45.6298142 86,45.6298142 L86,45.794261 Z" id="Shape" fill="#B31200"></path>\n                                                                        <path d="M100,41.75 C100,46.2875 96.22,50 91.6,50 L80.4,50 C75.78,50 72,46.2875 72,41.75 L72,36.25 C72,31.7125 75.78,28 80.4,28 L91.6,28 C96.22,28 100,31.7125 100,36.25 L100,41.75 Z" id="Shape" fill="#B31200"></path>\n                                                                        <path d="M91.6,28 L86,28 C90.62,28 94.4,31.7125 94.4,36.25 L94.4,41.75 C94.4,46.2875 90.62,50 86,50 L91.6,50 C96.22,50 100,46.2875 100,41.75 L100,36.25 C100,31.7125 96.22,28 91.6,28 Z" id="Shape" fill="#970000"></path>\n                                                                    </g>\n                                                                </g>\n                                                            </g>\n                                                        </g>\n                                                    </g>\n                                                </g>\n                                            </g>\n                                        </g>\n                                    </g>\n                            </svg>\n                            </div>\n                            <div class="giftingproduct_buysection">\n                                ' + generateGiftingMarkup(initialized_product) + '\n                            </div>\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                </section>\n            \n        </form>\n    ';

    D_el.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', cssString + htmlString);

    //Remove existing gifting DOM objects
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        el.innerHTML = "";

    document.querySelector('#giftinglevelselect').addEventListener('change', function (evt) {
        if (evt && evt.target && evt.target.value) {
            var product = RSI({ lvl: evt.target.value }).pop();
            var giftbuysection = document.querySelector('.giftingproduct_buysection');
            if (giftbuysection) {
                giftbuysection.innerHTML = generateGiftingMarkup(product);
            document.querySelector('#gifting_svgmonth').textContent = parseInt(product.lvl, 10) + '-MONTH';

    document.querySelector('#showgifting').addEventListener('change', function (evt) {
        document.querySelector('#giftingsection .opsymbol').innerHTML = evt.target.checked ? 'X' : '&#x25BA;';

$(function () {
    __giftingTest_doDOMAdjustments(document.querySelector('.js_product_boxes_desktop'), RSI({ lvl: '24' }).pop());