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_satellite.pushAsyncScript(function(event, target, $variables){
* This is the RTO to show $10 off current page.
* It will redirect the user to a page where
* S5 is $10 less.
var config = {
// number of seconds til RTO shows
delay: 5,
// If we cant find a template with rs.template, use this
defaultTemplate : 'sbsr',
// if page is sitewide, rmsitewide, or sale - use this page
defaultBase: 'gradgift',
// pages with these pricepoints will show the RTO
applicablePrices: [199, 249],
// Must be parallel with the prices above. Will display in html.
dollarsOff: [20, 20],
// Pricepoint of pages this rto redirects to, if accepted.
/* In future can we expand this to be array as well */
destinationPriceCode : 'agi',
function rtorouter(config) {
// If user has rtoseen cookie, quit.
if (document.cookie.match(/rtoseen/)) return;
// clock stuff
var timeinterval;
function close_popup_rto() {
document.cookie='rtoseen=true; path=/; domain=.rosettastone.com';
function getTimeRemaining(endtime){
var t = endtime - Date.now();
var seconds = Math.floor( (t/1000) % 60 );
var minutes = Math.floor( t/1000/60 );
return { 'total': t, 'minutes': minutes, 'seconds': seconds };
var clock = document.getElementById('popup_clock');
function startClock(endtime) {
clock.style.display = 'inline-block';
var values = ['minutes','seconds'];
var spans = [];
for(var i=0; i<values.length; i++){
spans.push( clock.querySelector('.'+values[i]) );
function updateClock() {
var t = getTimeRemaining(endtime);
for(var i=0; i<spans.length; i++){
spans[i].innerHTML = ('0' + t[values[i]]).slice(-2);
clock.style.display = 'none';
timeinterval = setInterval(updateClock,1000);
/* Hardcoding because its friday */
var pricepoint = 249;
pricepoint = parseInt(RSI({cat: 'esp', media: 'box', lvl: 'S5'})[0].price)
// If this page's pricepoint isnt in the applicablePrices array, quit.
var priceindex = config.applicablePrices.indexOf(pricepoint)
if (priceindex == -1) return
// update html to show right amount of dollars off
var dollarDiv = document.getElementById('popup_rto_amount')
if (dollarDiv)
dollarDiv.innerHTML = config.dollarsOff[priceindex]
if (rs.template == 'ppc') {
.find('sup').css({position:'relative', top: '-50px'})
// Find out base name of this. This is everything before the
// vcrypt(tm) characters - bii, bai, boi, etc. This is because
// we want to redirect to a lower page with same base. So
// cybermondabii goes to cybermondaybai, bfbbii goes to bfbai, etc.
var pagename = typeof RSI != 'undefined' ? RSI.rsi : 'sitewide'
var destinationpage;
var pricecodes = ['bgi', 'bgd', 'bdi', 'bbi', 'bai', 'boi', 'aii','ahi', 'agi', 'ahd', 'aei']
if (pricecodes.indexOf(pagename.slice(-3)) > -1) {
destinationpage = pagename.slice(0, -3) + config.destinationPriceCode
} else {
// This current page is sitewide, rmsitewide, sale, etc.
destinationpage = config.defaultBase + config.destinationPriceCode
/* Fix to override 249 to go to bbi */
if( pricepoint === 249){
config.destinationTemplate = 'sbsr';
destinationpage = config.defaultBase + 'bbi'
/* something to do with crazy additinol 12 month sku gets 15 month RTO */
// var destinationTemplate = typeof rs != 'undefined' ? rs.template : config.destinationTemplate
var destinationUrl = 'http://rosettastone.com/lp/' + config.destinationTemplate + '/' + destinationpage + window.location.search
$('#popup_cta').attr('href', destinationUrl)
// Show the RTO
$('#popup_cta').click(function(e) {
document.cookie='rtoseen=true; path=/; domain=.rosettastone.com';
window.location.href = $(e.target).attr('href')
$('#popup_rto_x').click(function(e) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, config.delay * 1000)