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//<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat|Work+Sans" rel="stylesheet">
'use strict';
var fontcache = caches.open('fontstore');
onmessage = function(e){
//myport:the messagechannel port sent from the window: we will use this to communicate with the main thread
var myport = e.ports[0];
//make sure it's the right message...
e.data == 'startup' && !!myport && (function(){
//set up the listener for this Worker:
myport.addEventListener('message', function(d){
//when you get a message, open the cache...
var reqs = this.data;
//for each request in the group...
//Make a new Request object, keyed by the Font Name
var fontreq = new Request('__FONTCACHE__' + encodeURIComponent(v[0]));
//See if it's already in the cache...
(new Promise(function(res, rej){
//If it is, just resolve with the corresponding Response
//If it is not: go fetch it at the indicated URL
else {
//Put the Response into the Cache
c.put(fontreq, f).then(function(){ res(f); });
//indicate to the caller that the cache is loaded with their asset.
return c;
}.bind({data: JSON.parse(d.data)}))
//remember to .start when using addEventListener::
//handshake to the main thread:
function ThreadFonts(fontarray){
var mc = new MessageChannel();
function encodeArrayAsBuffer(a){
//MessagePorts still do not allow ArrayBuffers to transfer :(
return Array.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a) && new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(JSON.stringify(a));
function encodeArrayAsString(a){
return Array.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a) && JSON.stringify(a);
//everything above minified:
var minified = '"use strict";var fontcache=caches.open("fontstore");onmessage=function(t){var n=t.ports[0];"startup"==t.data&&!!n&&function(){n.addEventListener("message",function(t){fontcache.then(function(t){var e=this.data;e.reduce(function(t,e,a){var o=new Request(location.origin + "/__FONTCACHE__"+encodeURIComponent(e[0]));return t.match(o).then(function(a){new Promise(function(n,s){a?n(a):fetch(e[1]).then(function(e){t.put(o,e).then(function(){n(e)})})}).then(function(t){n.postMessage(e[0])})}),t},t)}.bind({data:JSON.parse(t.data)}))}),n.start(),n.postMessage("ready")}()};';
var fontWorkerBlob = new Blob([minified]);
var fontWorkerURL = URL.createObjectURL(fontWorkerBlob);
var fontWorker = new Worker(fontWorkerURL);
//TODO: Use Promise race to terminate when the worker is done or time elapses?
}, 10000)
//window.postMessage('startup','*', [mc.port2]);
//Pass the MessageChannel to the FontWorker
fontWorker.postMessage('startup', [mc.port2]);
//load desired fonts when Worker is ready:
mc.port1.addEventListener('message', function workerReady(d){
if(d.data == 'ready'){
mc.port1.removeEventListener('message', workerReady);
mc.port1.addEventListener('message', function fontReady(d){
var fontname = d.data;
c.match(new Request('__FONTCACHE__' + encodeURIComponent(fontname)))
//m is the matching response
//b is the blob from the request
var ou = URL.createObjectURL(b);
//now ou is the ObjectURL
var fontstyle = '@font-face{ font-family:"' + fontname + '"; src: url('+ ou.toString() + '); }';
var s = document.createElement('style');
s.setAttribute('class','font_' + fontname);
s.innerHTML = fontstyle;
var bufferToSend = encodeArrayAsString(fontarray);