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const express = require("express")
const Stripe = require('stripe')
const Mailgun = require('mailgun-js')
const { Datastore } = require('@google-cloud/datastore')
const isEmail = require('validator/lib/isEmail')
const isLength = require('validator/lib/isLength')
const cors = require('cors')
const app = express()
const ds = new Datastore( { productId: 'bnbcrate1' })
// Only needed in dev, GCF already includes for you
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
* By default, load prod values.
var mailgunKey = '779a6a20423f010b0d9cfc76e177e5f6'
var stripeKey = 'sk_live_bQhKekL9Rzt6IPkN217YKlVu'
* For any route, determine if we are in dev or prod environment
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
req.environment = req.headers['x-environment'] == 'prod' ? 'prod' : 'dev'
if (req.environment == 'dev') {
stripeKey = 'sk_test_bypTtufI6HZA4YpaLBWLMEZX'
mailgunKey = '779a6a20423f010b0d9cfc76e177e5f6'
* Define products:: TODO should actually be a bucket file
const products = [
id: 1,
name: "Basic",
price: 6.99,
items: [ "1 Shampoo", "1 Conditioner", "1 Soap", "1 Shower Cap" ]
id: 5,
name: "Premium",
price: 14.99,
items: ["1 Shampoo", "1 Conditioner", "1 Soap", "1 Shower Cap", "2 Toothbrushes", "2 Toothpastes", "2 Towels"]
* Route to return our products
app.get('/products', (req, res, next) => {
* Route checks user's cart out.
app.post('/checkout', async (req, res, next) => {
console.log('--- body')
// Holds order's data, such as email, shipping info, products...
const data = req.body.orderData || null
// JWT token lets us know if user is logged in
const jwtToken = req.body.jwt || null
// Strike Token that is passed if paying with a new credit card
const stripeToken = req.body.stripeToken || null
// Stripe (customer) ID and card ID are sent if user is paying with a stored credit card
const stripeId = req.body.stripeId || null
const cardId = req.body.cardId || null
// Total amount of purchase
let serverTotal = 0
const stripe = Stripe(stripeKey)
const emailDomain = 'mail.bnbcrate.com'
const mailgun = Mailgun({ apiKey: mailgunKey, domain: emailDomain })
var userId = null
if (jwtToken)
let decoded= jwt.verify(jwtToken, process.env.JWT);
userId = decoded.id
var invalidData = false
if (!stripeToken)
if (!stripeId || !cardId)
invalidData = true
if (!stripeId && cardId)
if (!stripeToken)
invalidData = true
if (!data.crates.length)
invalidData = true
if (invalidData)
// TODO log
return res.json({
result: 0,
payload: {
message: 'Something went wrong. Data is missing. Please reload the page and try again.'
* Client Sends: [ { id: 1, quantity: 2, price: 5.99} ]
* We need to make sure that the ID of each crate sent by client
* exists in the server, and that the price for that crate sent by
* the client also matches the server. So if client sends a crate
* of id 1 where price is $6, we need to make sure server has a crate
* of id 1 and that its price is $6
// const clientTotal = data.crates
// .map(e => e.price * e.quantity)
// .reduce((acc,cv) => acc + cv)
for (let crate of data.crates)
let clientId = crate.id
let clientPrice = crate.price
// Check if ID exists in the products "database"
let [ serverCrate ] = products.filter(c => c.id == clientId) || null
// The crate id sent from client does not exist in the server.
if (!serverCrate || clientPrice != serverCrate.price)
// TODO log
return res.json({
result: 0,
payload: {
message: 'Product mismatch. Please try again'
// Gets passed to stripe
serverTotal += serverCrate.price
// Sanitize the data sent
if (!sanitizeInputs(data))
// TODO log
return res.json({
result: 0,
payload: {
message: 'Bad input.'
// Validation passed.
let email = data.email.toLowerCase()
// Not needed..just wasting datastore space
delete data.shipping['id']
var charge = null
const stripeData = {
amount : (serverTotal * 100), // Stripe wants cents.
currency : 'usd',
description : `Charge for ${email}`,
metadata: {
dsUserId: '',
items: '',
email: email,
name: data.shipping.name,
street: data.shipping.street,
city: data.shipping.city,
state: data.shipping.state,
zip: data.shipping.zip,
if (stripeToken)
// New credit card
stripeData.source = stripeToken.id
// Applying a saved credit card to a customer
stripeData.source = cardId
stripeData.customer = stripeId
charge = await stripe.charges.create(stripeData)
// Now save in the datastore
let datastoreOrder = await saveOrderInDB({
email: email,
userId: userId,
items: data.crates,
shippingAddress: data.shipping,
currency: 'usd',
guest: data.guest,
total: serverTotal
}, charge.id)
// Now send email
let templateUri = `${__dirname}/../email-templates/order-confirmation.html`
let emailTemplate = readFileSync(templateUri, 'utf-8')
let compiled = template(emailTemplate)
let emaildata = {
from: `bnbcrate <orders@${emailDomain}>`,
to: email,
subject: 'Your bnbcrate order',
html: compiled({
crates: data.crates,
address: data.shippingAddress,
orderId: datastoreOrder.payload.key.id
mailgun.messages().send(emaildata, (e, body) => {
if (e)
// TODO log
res.json({ result: 1 })
catch (e)
// TODO log
return res.json({
result: 0,
payload: {
message: 'Could not charge card. Please try again'
* Sanitizes all user inputs from the client.
* Best way to know all the inputs is to take
* a look at the client store.
* @param {Object} data: ctx.request.body
function sanitizeInputs(data)
const email = data.email
//const crates = data.crates
const shipping = data.shipping
var error = []
if (!isEmail(email))
error.push('Invalid email.')
// Shipping Fields
if (!isLength(shipping.street, {min: 1}))
error.push('Invalid shipping address.')
if (!isLength(shipping.zip, {min: 3}))
error.push('Invalid shipping zip code.')
if (!isLength(shipping.country, {min: 2, max: 2}) || shipping.country != 'us')
error.push('Invalid shipping country.')
if (error.length)
return false
return true
* Saves an order into the datastore.
* @param {String} email - buyer's email
* @param {Int} userId - user's id, if logged in
* @param {String} chargeId - charge ID generated by Stripe
* @param {String} shippingAddress - shipping address
* @param {Object} items - Items being purchased {crate: qty}
* @param {Int} total - total price charged
* @param {String} currency - charge currency
* @param {String} paymentMethod - payment method. cc or paypal
* @param {Date} date - date and time
* @param {String} status - order status. 'new' by default
* @param {String|int} dsId - unique ID for datastore's key. (order's ID)
function saveOrderInDB(data, dsId)
const orderEntity = {
key: ds.key(['Order', dsId]),
data: [
name: 'email',
value: data.email
name: 'userId',
value: data.userId || null
name: 'shippingAddress',
value: data.shippingAddress,
excludeFromIndexes: true
name: 'items',
value: data.items,
excludeFromIndexes: true,
name: 'total',
value: data.total,
excludeFromIndexes: true
name: 'currency',
value: 'usd',
excludeFromIndexes: true
name: 'guest',
value: data.guest || null
name: 'paymentMethod',
value: 'credit card'
name: 'date',
value: new Date()
name: 'status',
value: 'new'
name: 'dateShipped',
value: null
return ds.insert(orderEntity)
.then(result => {
// We return the order entity so we can use it to update
return { result: 1, payload: orderEntity }
.catch(e => {
// TODO log
return {
result: 0,
payload: {
message: `Could not save order. Please try again. ${e}`
module.exports = {
checkout: app
// Server makes a GC functions api call to fetch products - since it's internal, cant be intefered