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function gulphtml() {
//Get the "gulpconfig*" file
var cfgobj = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(__dirname + path.sep + configsrc) );
console.log('processing: ', configsrc);
var htmlguides = cfgobj.html;
var contentdata = cfgobj['content' + (args['loc'] ? '-' + args['loc'] : '')];
var tagsource = {langval: (args['loc'] ? args['loc'] : 'en')};
var cfgsource = [];
var indexbasename = "";
var destext = cfgobj.dest;
var moduleguides = cfgobj.modules;
var modules = !moduleguides ? [] : (moduleguides.filter(function(v){
//filter modules that are not targeted to this market
return v.match(/::/) ? (v.split('::')[1] === args['loc']) : 1;
//get modules from names
console.log('Adding Module: ' + modulename);
var modret = require(__dirname + path.sep + 'build' + path.sep + 'modules' + path.sep + modulename.split('::')[0] + '.js' );
modret.gulpname = modulename;
return modret;
while (htmlguides.length) {
(function preparetemplates(_t) {
tagsource[_t[1]] = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + path.sep + _t[0]);
if(_t[1] === "index")
indexbasename = _t[0].split('/').pop();
//apply content variables to tagsource
!!contentdata && ( tagsource = lo_.defaults(tagsource, contentdata) );
//apply business logic using the getbusinessdata function (which should use the same source as Landing Pages, to maintain a single point of truth.)
!!contentdata && ( tagsource = lo_.defaults(tagsource, {"getbusinessdata": getbusinessdata(contentdata && contentdata.content_langcode)}) );
tagsource = lo_.defaults(tagsource, {"crosssell": getbusinessdata()});
//Custom to expose to the templater:
//gettoplvl: can be called in template to query the "top" level product for each type
tagsource = lo_.defaults(tagsource, {gettoplvl: function(o) {return (getbusinessdata(contentdata && contentdata.content_langcode))(o).sort(function(a,b){return a.lvl === b.lvl ? 0 : a.lvl<b.lvl ? 1 : -1})[0];}});
//args: give template access to compilation arguments
tagsource = lo_.defaults(tagsource, args);
//fs,__dirname,path: template access to file system
tagsource = lo_.defaults(tagsource, {fs: fs, __dirname: __dirname, path: path});
return gulp.src(cfgsource.length ? cfgsource : 'build/*.html')
.pipe($.template( tagsource ))
.pipe($.template( tagsource )) /* 2nd pass to allow for compound templating */
.pipe((typeof moduleguides != 'undefined' && moduleguides.length) ? dom(function _chaintransforms(){
//chain each of the transform functions in module
modules.reduce(function gettransform(_this, mod, i){
mod.transforms.reduce(function runtransform(_t, f, j){
//run the transform and feed it's return value (nominally _this_) back into the
args['verbose'] && console.log('Applying Module:' + (mod.gulpname + 1) + '::Transform#' + (j + 1));
return f.call(_t);
} ,_this);
return _this;
}, this);
return this;
}) : $.util.noop())
.pipe(args.size ? $.size() : $.util.noop())
.pipe($.htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true, removeComments: true, keepClosingSlash:true, minifyJS: true}))
.pipe(args.size ? $.size() : $.util.noop())
.pipe($.rename(function renamehtml(path){
if ( indexbasename == (path.basename + path.extname) )
path.basename = "index";
.pipe(gulpFilter(file => /index/.test(file.path) )) // avoid generating unnecessary html files
.pipe(gulp.dest('deploy' + (destext ? destext : '')))