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<h1>Proven, results-based language learning.</h1>
<p>Our award-winning learning approach has been used in thousands of homes, schools and businesses to help students and employees successfully learn a new language.</p>
<div class="products-container">
<div class="product-column">
<div class="header yellow">
<span class="product-name">PERSONAL EDITION</span>
<hr width="10%"/>
<p class="product-details"><span class="diff line-1">$XXX per user, per year</span>
<span class="diff line-2">Single user subscription</span></p>
<div class="cta-container">
<button class="js-rsee-personal"><a class="js-rsee-personal" href="#" >LEARN MORE</a></button>
<div class="content" id="js-rsee-personal-content">
<li>Learn on any device—lessons sync instantly</li>
<li>Choose one of 24 available languages, including English</li>
<li>TruAccent™ pronunciation training technology</li>
<li>Learn hands-free with audio lessons</li>
<li>Practice speaking with read aloud stories</li>
<li>Easily reference words and expressions with Phrasebook</li>
<li>Build confidence using native speaking tutors*</li>
<li>Web and telephone support</li>
<div class="spacer-column-1"></div>
<div class="cta-container">
<button><a href="http://www.rosettastone.com/lp/sbsr/sitewide?ocid=link-homepage-personal">SHOP NOW</a></button>
<div class="product-column">
<div class="header blue">
<span class="product-name">TEAM EDITION</span>
<hr width="10%"/>
<p class="product-details"><span class="line-1">$389 per user, per year</span>
<br/><span class="line-2">Groups of up to 25 users</span></p>
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<div class="content" id="js-rsee-team-content">
<li>24 available languages, including English</li>
<li>English Proficiency Testing</li>
<li>Synced desktop, tablet, and mobile capability</li>
<li>Automated placement testing</li>
<li>Learner usage reporting</li>
<li>Implementation, web, and telephone support</li>
<li>Guided self-paced experience focuses on fundamentals</li>
<li>Build confidence using native speaking tutors*</li>
<li>Transferable licenses</li>
<div class="cta-container">
<button><a href="http://www.rosettastone.com/lp/team-edition/?ocid=link-homepage-eeteam">SHOP NOW</a></button>
<div class="product-column">
<div class="header blue-dark">
<span class="product-name">BUSINESS SOLUTION</span>
<hr width="10%"/>
<p class="product-details"><span class="line-1">FOR ORGANIZATIONS</span>
<br/><span class="line-2">up to 20,000 users</span></p>
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<button class="js-rsee-business"><a href="#" class="js-rsee-business" >LEARN MORE</a></button>
<div class="content" id="js-rsee-business-content">
<p class="special">ALL FEATURES IN THE TEAM EDITION, PLUS:</p>
<li>Content adaptable to industry and culture</li>
<li>Recommends appropriate language-learning path based on testing and learner’s goals</li>
<li>Full suite of administrative and reporting tools</li>
<li>Full suite of administrative and reporting tools</li>
<div class="cta-container">
<button><a href="http://www.rosettastone.com/lp/business?ocid=link-homepage-eebiz">PRICING OPTIONS</a></button>
<div class="product-column">
<div class="header blue-darker">
<span class="product-name">EDUCATION SOLUTION</span>
<hr width="10%"/>
<p class="product-details"><span class="line-2">Classroom to District</span><br/><span class="line-2">implementations</span></p>
<div class="cta-container">
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<div class="content" id="js-rsee-education-content">
<p class="special">ALL FEATURES IN THE TEAM EDITION, PLUS:</p>
<li>Easy integration with blended learning models</li>
<li>Games and activities</li>
<li>Supplemental materials</li>
<li>Full suite of administrative and reporting tools</li>
<div class="spacer-column-4"></div>
<div class="cta-container">
<button><a href="http://www.rosettastone.com/lp/k12?ocid=link-homepage-eek12">PRICING OPTIONS</a></button>