Thu Apr 20 2017
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<div id="CloseButton" style="position:fixed; bottom:69px; left:0px; margin:0px; padding:0px">        
		<img name="background2" id="background2" src="" border="0" alt="Close Chat Invitation">    
<div id="CloseButton" style="position:fixed; bottom:335px; left:305px; margin:0px; padding:0px">        
		<span title="Close Chat Invitation"  data-LP-event="close" ><img name="need_close" id="need_close" src="" border="0" alt="Close Chat Invitation"></span>    
	<div id="ChatContent" style="position:fixed; bottom:75px; left:26px; margin:0px; padding:0px;">        
		<span title="invitation popup window for live chat with an online representative"><img name="chatcontent" id="chatcontent" src="" border="0" title="chatcontent"></span>    
	<div id="StartChat" style="position:fixed; bottom:-6px; left:0px; margin:0px; padding:0px;">        
		<span  data-LP-event="click" ><img name="need_help" id="need_help" src="" border="0" title="Chat with a Live Agent"></span>    