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1. sometimes, those 4 bicycle audio visual squares didnt turn back.
cant duplicate
2. at resolution near to ipad, those 4 bicycle squares are horizontally elongated.
3. "Para más información haz clic aquí" button just bove the footer points to sbsr-es. but sbsr-es redirects to sbsr
4. In mobile, phone number alignment in the header is broken
6. In mobile, for ingles - i get the demo video: http://m.rosettastone.com/demo/?lang=english which plays the usual mobile demo
which actually doesnot have the ENG language option.
8. email ids accepted in chrome are not accepted while entering in FF
9. in all versions of IE, i get error message for all email id even for my own gmail id
These two are the same problem. Should be fixed.
10. if i filter by 'ajax' i get 2 requests for email id submission
Its fine. ones get one's options