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* Handles all routes regarding flips.
* I changed up my brackets/braces style here
* to be very Java-like, for shits and giggles.
* Let us know what you think by emailing Vinoth
* at vjohn@rosettastone.com
* :D
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import prettyjson from 'json-format'
import cfg from '../config'
import logger from '../logger'
export default class Flips
static getFlips(ctx, next)
ctx.body = fs.readFileSync(cfg.localUris.flipSchedule, 'utf8')
* Create flip.
* Mainly does 3 things:
* 1. Write to schedule.json
* 2. Create folder flips/<flipdate>/sitewide-promo
* 3. Create file flips/<flipdate>/flip.json.
* The cron job script will periodically scan
* schedule.json trying to match a datetime. If it
* matches, it's time to flip. It then looks for a
* folder with the datetime as its name. Inside this
* folder is flips.json, which basically contains user
* input from client's create-flip form. It also contains
* the folder sitewide-promo which holds assets
* to upload. When creating a flip and there's a flip
* already schedule for the same datetime, we delete the
* flip/<datime>/ folder so we can overwrite.
* Structure:
* pi/
* |
* |-- data/
* |-- |-- schedule.json
* | |-- flips/
* | | |-- dec 25 2016, 11:00 PM/
* | | | |-- flip.json (constants, rtos, promoset, etc)
* | | | |-- sitewide-promo/ (assets for this flip)
* | | | |
* | | | |
* |-- server/
* |-- client/
static upsertFlip(ctx, next)
const data = ctx.request.body.fields
const overwrite = ctx.query.overwrite
var assets = ctx.request.body.files['assets[]']
if (!data.name || !data.date || !data.promoset)
Error. missing required data.
Name: ${data.name},
Date: ${data.date},
Promoset: ${data.promoset}`,
{ user: 'username' }
return ctx.body = { result: 0, payload: `Error. Missing required data.` }
const date = moment(new Date(data.rawdate)).format('MMM DD YYYY, hh:mm a')
var schedule = fs.readJsonSync(cfg.localUris.flipSchedule, 'utf8')
logger.error(`Couldn't open schedule.json: ${e}`, { user: 'username' })
return ctx.body = { result: 0, payload: `Error. Couldn't open schedule.json.` }
* We always overwrite. So see if we have a folder with this date
* as the name, and if so, delete it, since we'll be creating
* a new one.
const dirs = fs.readdirSync(cfg.localUris.flips)
if (dirs.includes(date))
logger.error(`Could not remove flips/${date}: ${e}.`, { user: 'username' })
return ctx.body = { result: 0, payload: 'Could not remove old flip direcory.' }
/* Create our new dir and subdirs. The name is the date. */
logger.error(`Could not create flips/${date}/ and its subdirs: ${e}`, { user: 'username' })
return ctx.body = { result: 0, payload: 'Error. Could not create folder(s).' }
* This object will become flip.json
* We default to null, since undefined won't make it to output file.
const flip = {
"name" : data.name || null,
"promoset" : data.promoset || null,
"constants" : JSON.parse(data.constants) || null,
"router" : "santatradafi" || null
/* If we have assets to upload, do so here. */
if (undefined !== assets)
// koa-body doesnt put obj into an array if it's a single file.
// Fucking broken. Put single obj inside an array here.
assets = Array.isArray(assets) ? assets : [assets]
var ret = {}
var failedUploads = []
for (let file in assets)
let dst = `${cfg.localUris.flips}/${date}/sitewide-promo/${assets[file].name}`
fs.move(assets[file].path, dst, err =>
if (err)
if (failedUploads.length)
return ctx.body = {result: 0, payload: `Failed up upload: ${failedUploads}`}
// Write this flip to our flip.json.
fs.writeFileSync(`${cfg['localUris']['flips']}/${date}/flip.json`, prettyjson(flip))
logger.error(`Could write to ${date}/flips.json: ${e}`, { user: 'username' })
return ctx.body = {result: 0, payload: `Could not write to flips.json`}
//schedule = schedule.filter(f => f.r)
// Append {name: .., date: ..} to schedule.json.
schedule.push({name: data.name, dirname: date, rawdate: data.rawdate})
fs.writeFileSync(cfg.localUris.flipSchedule, prettyjson(schedule))
logger.error(`Could write to schedule.json: ${e}`, { user: 'username' })
return ctx.body = {result: 1, payload: `Success. Flip created.`}