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<div class="ui modal" data-modal-mastheadimages>
<i class="close icon"></i>
<div class="header">
<i class="image large icon"></i>
Upload Masthead Images
<div class="content">
<!-- <i class="info warning circle icon"></i> -->
Your files <b>must</b> be named in the following format:
<span style="color: cornflowerblue">template name</span>—
<span style="color: cadetblue">device</span>—
<span style="color: salmon">filename</span>
<ul class="ui bulleted list">
<span style="color: cornflowerblue">sbsr</span>—
<span style="color: cadetblue">desktop</span>—
<span style="color: salmon">xmas199.jpg</span>
<div class="field">
<p class="ui basic segment">
<input type="file" name="masthead-files" multiple @change='handleFilesChange'>
<button class="ui large black button" @click="openFileSelect">Select files to upload</button>
<div class="ui error message" v-if='invalids.length'>
<i class="icon ban"></i>
The following file(s) have bad formatted names and <b>will not be uploaded</b>:
<ul class="ui bulleted list" v-for='name in invalids'>
<li>{{ name }}</li>
<div class="ui warning message" v-if='exists'>
<i class="icon warning sign"></i>
One or more files exist with the same name. <b>Would you like to overwrite?</b>
<table class="ui fixed table">
<th>Modified Date</th>
<tr v-for="obj in files" if=file.exists>
<td>{{ obj.file.name }}</td>
<div class="ui slider checkbox" name='overwrite-masthead-toggle' :data-filename=obj.file.name>
<input type="checkbox" :checked=obj.overwrite class="hidden" @change="handleOverwriteToggle">
<td>{{ obj.modified }}</td>
<div class="actions">
<div class="ui right labeled icon button"
:class="{'positive' : files.length, 'disabled' : !canSubmit}"
<i class="checkmark icon"></i>
var $mastheadModal
export default {
name: 'MastheadModal',
data() {
return {
// Holds our file obejcts, which hold the actual file
// object, as well as extra ifno like modified, exists, etc
files: [],
// Set to true if a file above has a name that exists
exists: false,
// Invalid file names (doesnt follow template-device-name)
invalids: [],
canSubmit: false
mounted() {
const store = this.$store
$mastheadModal = $('div[data-modal-mastheadimages]')
onApprove() {
return false
onHidden() {
return false
computed: {
mastheadModal() {
return this.$store.state.modal_masthead.show
watch: {
mastheadModal(on) {
on = on ? 'show' : 'hide'
updated() {
methods: {
* The real select files button is hidden because we can't
* style it. So open it when the fake one is clicked
openFileSelect() {
* Sets file.overwrite to true or false
* when user toggles the checkbox
handleOverwriteToggle(e) {
var $el = $(e.target)
var filename = $el.parent().data('filename')
this.files.forEach(f => {
if (f.file.name == filename) {
f.overwrite = $el.parent().hasClass('checked') ? true : false
* User has just select files to upload.
* First, validate that they follow the required naming
* format: template-device-whatever
* Then, for each file object, set overwrite to true
* (as it is the default) and exists to false.
* Then check if the file name exists in the server,
* if it does, set exist to true.
handleFilesChange(e) {
var files = [...document.querySelector('input[name=masthead-files]').files]
// Does not follow naming format
this.files = files.map(f => {
if (f.name.split('-').length < 3) {
return false
var fileObj = {file: f, overwrite: true, exists: false, modified: null}
fileObj.overwrite = true
fileObj.exists = false
if (this.$store.state.mastheadImages.indexOf(f.name)) {
fileObj.exists = true
fileObj.modified = f.lastModifiedDate.toString().split(' ').splice(0,4).join(' ')
this.exists = true
return fileObj
.filter(e => e)
* Submit files to server.
* We actually send a custom object, which holds extra
* information such as overwrite: true|false, etc
handleSubmit(e) {
const formdata = new FormData()
const files = [...this.files]
const overwrites = []
const request = new XMLHttpRequest()
if (!files.length) return
files.forEach(f => {
// Hopefully these parallels keep the order, lol.
formdata.append('files[]', f.file)
formdata.append('overwrites[]', JSON.stringify(overwrites))
request.open('POST', `${window.server}/upload-masthteads`, true)
request.onload = function() {
if (request.status == 404) {
console.log("Can't reach server")
var data = JSON.parse(request.responseText)
if (data.result == 0) {
} else {