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* This file generates data needed for static site compilation.
* Pulls data from Airtable, and store them ni data/airtable/ directory.
* Pages will be given a filename equivalent of the `id` column
* in airtable - unless otherwise specified by 18n plugin when
* doing localization.
let Airtable = require('airtable');
var base = new Airtable({apiKey: 'keyCxb3aqtS38ft3N'}).base('appI3wmrF0dN0d3ls')
let fsextra = require('fs-extra')
let fs = require('fs')
let axios = require('axios')
let jsyaml = require('js-yaml')
// Each row in airtable is stored as an object here
let airtableRows = []
// Locale we're compiling for
let locale = process.env.locale || 'en'
// Will hold internal links for each langcode
let internalLinks = {}
// Will hold our directory tree (just paths, actually)
let tree = []
console.log(`ⓘ Generating for locale: ${locale}`)
view: "Grid view"
.eachPage( (records, fetchNextPage) => {
records.forEach(record => {
id: record.get('id'),
files: record.get(`files`),
group: record.get('group')
}, async function done(err) {
if (err) { console.error(err); return; }
for (let row of airtableRows) {
let { id, group, files } = row
// The file's name format is locale-filename.yaml (en-learn-spanish.yaml, etc)
let [ file ] = files.filter(f => f.filename.slice(0,2) == locale)
let remoteFile = await axios.get(file.url)
let datauri = `./data/airtable`
// If this page belongs to a group, create the dirs to put it there
filePath = group ? `${datauri}/groups/${group}/${id}` : `${datauri}/${id}`
* Each dynamic generated page (has a `group` in airtable)
* from a yaml file, must have a "metadata.langcode = ita".
* This is simply to create internal links.
* Internal links are at the bottom of each SEO page and they point
* to other SEO pages about the same language. It's awful we
* have to have this anomaly here when generating the site.
* Maybe they should resite in a separate Airtable sheet.
* This file was much simpler before the requiement to create
* internal SEO links and put them on every page.
* https://tabbit.org/dbbUSgGwt
let langcode = null
if (group) {
langcode = jsyaml.safeLoad(remoteFile.data, 'utf8').metadata.langcode
if (Array.isArray(internalLinks[langcode])) {
internalLinks[langcode].push( id )
} else {
internalLinks[langcode] = []
internalLinks[langcode].push( id )
// We will loop these and write to disk later
path: filePath,
yaml: '__', //remoteFile.data,
langcode: langcode
// Write the yaml file
//fs.writeFileSync(`${filePath}/index.yaml`, remoteFile.data , 'utf-8')
//console.log(`✔ Created [ f ]: ${filePath}/index.js`)
//fs.writeFileSync(`${filePath}/index.yaml`, remoteFile.data , 'utf-8')
for (let file of tree) {
if (internalLinks[file.langcode]) {
file.yaml = `internal-links: ${internalLinks[file.langcode].join(" ")}\n`