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// meclabs tutoring experience 3
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// *********************************************************
// show popup and set popup button urls
// *********************************************************
function attach_click_to_cart_btns(){
$('.js_oct_2016_addtocart[data-media="subscription"]').on('click', function(e){
var cart_url_original = this.href;
var lvl = this.getAttribute('data-lvl');
var cart_url_premium = upgrade_cart_url(cart_url_original, lvl);
// put urls in buttons
$('.js_premium_no').attr('href', cart_url_original);
$('.js_premium_yes').attr('href', cart_url_premium);
// show monthly price difference
// show overlay after cart button is clicked
$(document).on('lang_change', function(){
function upgrade_cart_url(original_cart_url, lvl){
var premium_skus = {
'01': '90471',
'03': '97357',
'06': '97352',
'12': '97342',
'24': '99042'
var sku = premium_skus[lvl];
var premium_carturl = original_cart_url.replace(/\/sku\/\d+/i, '/sku/'+sku);
return premium_carturl;
function get_tutoring_price(lvl){
var original_price = Math.floor(RSI({media:'subscription', lvl:lvl, cat:'esp'})[0].price*100/parseInt(lvl))/100;
var price_level_of_promo = {
'yosemite': 'msrp', // highest
'goldengate': 'price_level_1',
'swissalps': 'price_level_2',
'parthenon': 'price_level_3',
'mountfuji': 'price_level_4',
'giza': 'price_level_5',
'iguazafalls': 'price_level_6' // lowest
var promo_name = RSI({lvl:'24'})[0].code.split('_')[0]; // this will give something like "parthenon"
var price_level = price_level_of_promo[promo_name];
// usage: premium_prices_monthly[price_level][product_lvl]
var premium_prices_monthly = {
'msrp': {
'01': '29.99',
'03': '39.67',
'06': '29.83',
'12': '23.25',
'24': '16.63'
'price_level_1': {
'01': '29.99',
'03': '38.99',
'06': '29.99',
'12': '21.99',
'24': '14.49'
'price_level_2': {
'01': '29.99',
'03': '36.99',
'06': '27.99',
'12': '19.99',
'24': '13.49'
'price_level_3': {
'01': '29.99',
'03': '30.99',
'06': '21.99',
'12': '17.99',
'24': '12.49'
'price_level_4': {
'01': '29.99',
'03': '26.99',
'06': '17.99',
'12': '15.99',
'24': '11.99'
'price_level_5': {
'01': '29.99',
'03': '24.99',
'06': '15.99',
'12': '13.99',
'24': '10.99'
'price_level_6': {
'01': '29.99',
'03': '22.99',
'06': '13.99',
'12': '11.99',
'24': '9.99'
var tutoring_price = premium_prices_monthly[price_level][lvl];
return (+tutoring_price - original_price).toFixed(2);
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
// any elements with this class will open a video of your choice
$('.js_open_video').on('click', function(){
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// make video openers keyboard-accessible
$('.js_open_video').attr('tabindex','0').on('keydown', function(e){
// make "enter" key equivalent to click
if(e.keyCode === 13){
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}).on('focus', function(){
$(this).css({'outline':'2px dashed #fff'});
}).on('blur', function(){
// show correct video
function showVideo(elem){
var vid_name = elem ? elem.getAttribute('data-video') : 'how_it_works';
var youtube_id = {
live_studio_session: 'SiRtFaXqCqU',
how_it_works : 'imK17Pb3Yws',
red_ball : 'xmS1rgDUec4',
delaine : 'KwFphr58e94',
grace : 'g6WEYqaMFsk',
peter : 'p6l9xp3yH7E',
chris : 'ZOwb57bx4mA',
food_truck : 'jMPL9EjBucA',
anniversary_25 : 'ZBeP_d-uAww'
var vid_id = youtube_id[vid_name] || youtube_id['how_it_works'];
var youtube_video = '<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/'+vid_id+'?rel=0&autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
document.getElementById('video_container').innerHTML = youtube_video;
// hide video
function hideVideo(){
// hide overlay
// get rid of video altogether (otherwise youtube will keep playing it)
document.getElementById('video_container').innerHTML = '';
// click to close video overlay
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// if the user clicks the background, close the video
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// if user clicks x, close video (the reason this wasn't added to the event delegation was to make the functionality bulletproof across browsers; yes there was an IE bug)
document.getElementById('close_video_overlay').onclick = hideVideo;
// close video if user presses "esc" key
$(document).on('keydown', function(e){