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<div class="home">
<div class="logo-wrap">
<div class="brand">
<span data-text='Spritz' class='dashed-shadow'>Spritz</span>
<span data-text='&' class='dashed-shadow'>&</span>
<span data-text='Coffee' class='dashed-shadow'>Coffee</span>
<div class="desc">
A super simple note-taking app. 100% free.
<a href="#/login" class="cta">START HERE</a>
<div class="scroll">v</div>
<div class="app-info">
<div class="features">
It's simple. Create a new note and start typing.
You can write your notes in <strong>plain text</strong> or <strong>markdown</strong>,
and use the toggle switch to toggle between plain text and parsed markdown.
<div class="screenshot">
<img src="/screenshot.png" alt="">
And it's 100% free, too.
Created by <a href="https://github.com/sqram">sqram</a>
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