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<div class="ui massive red message" v-if='editMode && !found && !isFetching'>
<i class="warning circle icon"></i>
This promoset no longer exists.
<!-- if not editing, or editing but found -->
<form class="ui form" @submit.prevent="handleSubmit" v-if='(editMode && found) || !editMode'>
<h2 class="ui header">Create a Promoset</h2>
<div class="ui large header"></div>
<div class="required field">
<div class="ui fluid labeled input">
<div class="ui label">
Promoset Name
<input type="text" placeholder="q3_189" v-model='promoset'>
<table class="ui grey table">
<!-- Course Products -->
<tr v-for="(course, level) in promodata.course">
<td class="warning">{{ level.toUpperCase() }}</td>
<td v-for="(product, key) in course.products">
<div class="fields" style="margin-bottom: 0">
<div class=" field">
<div class="ui transparent left icon input">
<i class="dollar icon"></i>
<input type="text"
<div class="field">
<div class="ui transparent left icon input">
<i class="code icon"></i>
<input type="text"
<!-- <tr>
<td colspan="5">
<h4 style="letter-spacing: 2px">Online Products</h4>
</tr> -->
<!-- Online Products -->
<tr v-for="(product, month) in promodata.online">
<td class="warning">{{ month }}</td>
<div class="field">
<div class="ui transparent left icon input">
<i class="dollar icon"></i>
<input type="text"
<div class=" field">
<div class="ui transparent left icon input">
<i class="code icon"></i>
<input type="text"
<div class="ui grid">
<div class="thirteen wide column">
class="ui message"
:class="{'negative' : !formResult.result, 'positive' : formResult.result}"
v-if="formResult.result !== null">
<div class="header">
<i class="warning circle icon"></i>
{{ formResult.message || "An error occurred" }}
<div class="three wide column">
<!-- <input type="submit" class="ui right fluid big teal button" /> -->
<button class="ui fluid big teal button" :class="{'loading': isSubmitting}">Submit</button>
export default {
name: 'CreatePromoset',
data() {
return {
isSubmitting: false,
isFetching: false,
editMode: false,
autofillCompleted: false,
canSubmit: false,
found: null,
formResult: {
result: null,
message: null
promoset: '',
promosets: [],
promodata: {
course: {
s5: {
name: 'S5',
products: {
cd: { price: null, code: null },
dl: { price: null, code: null },
s3: {
name: 'S3',
products: {
cd: { price: null, code: null },
dl: { price: null, code: null },
s2: {
name: 'S2',
products: {
cd: { price: null, code: null },
dl: { price: null, code: null },
l1: {
name: 'L1',
products: {
cd: { price: null, code: null },
dl: { price: null, code: null },
online: {
'1M': { price: null, code: null },
'3M': { price: null, code: null },
'6M': { price: null, code: null },
'9M': { price: null, code: null },
'12M': { price: null, code: null },
'24M': { price: null, code: null },
'36M': { price: null, code: null },
created() {
console.log('fetching ', this.$route.params.id)
* If we are editing (create/flip/id/some-date in the url)
* fetch all the info to polulate the state with
if (this.$route.params.id) {
this.editMode = true
this.isFetching = true
mounted() {
const self = this
if (this.editMode) {
$.getJSON(`${window.server}/promosets/`, r => {
r = Object.keys(r)
if (r.includes(this.$route.params.id)) {
this.promoset = this.$route.params.id
this.found = true
this.promodata.course.s5.cd.price =
this.promodata.course.s5.cd.code =
this.promodata.course.s5.dl.price =
this.promodata.course.s5.dl.code =
this.promodata.course.s3.cd.price =
this.promodata.course.s3.cd.code =
this.promodata.course.s3.dl.price =
this.promodata.course.s3.dl.code =
this.promodata.course.s2.cd.price =
this.promodata.course.s2.cd.code =
this.promodata.course.s2.dl.price =
this.promodata.course.s2.dl.code =
this.promodata.course.l1.cd.price =
this.promodata.course.l1.cd.code =
this.promodata.course.l1.dl.price =
this.promodata.course.l1.dl.code =
this.promodata.online['1M'].price =
this.promodata.online['1M'].code =
this.promodata.online['3M'].price =
this.promodata.online['3M'].code =
this.promodata.online['6M'].price =
this.promodata.online['6M'].code =
this.promodata.online['9M'].price =
this.promodata.online['9M'].code =
this.promodata.online['12M'].price =
this.promodata.online['12M'].code =
this.promodata.online['24M'].price =
this.promodata.online['24M'].code =
this.promodata.online['36M'].price =
this.promodata.online['36M'].code =
this.isFetching = false
fields: { 'promoset-name': 'empty' }
methods: {
* When a CD price and Code is typed,
* prefill the download fields, as they
* are usually the same
handleKeyPress(e) {
$e = $(e.target)
, level = $e.data('level')
, delivery = $e.data('delivery')
, input = $e.attr('name')
if (delivery == 'cd') {
this.promodata.course[level].products.dl[input] = $e.val()
* When an online promocode is typed, prefill
* all the other ones if they are blank.
handleOnlineCodeInput(e) {
if (this.autofillCompleted) return
const $e = $(e.target)
const months = $e.data('months')
const regex = /(_\d+)m/i
var value = $e.val()
for (let o in this.promodata.online) {
if (value.match(regex)) {
value = value.replace(regex, '_' + o)
this.autofillCompleted = true
this.promodata.online[o].code = value
* Submit form
handleSubmit(e) {
if (this.isSubmitting) return
console.log('2 submitting')
this.isSubmitting = true
const name = ($('input[name=promoset-name]').val() || '').trim()
if (!name) {
return this.isSubmitting = false
/* Check if a set with this name already exists */
$.getJSON(`${window.server}/promosets`, r => {
if (Object.keys(r).includes(name)) {
this.formResult = {
result: false,
message: "A promoset with this name already exists."
this.isSubmitting = false
const self = this
const promoset = {}
const promoObj = {}
promoObj.BOX_S5 = {
price: this.promodata.course.s5.products.cd.price,
code: this.promodata.course.s5.products.cd.code
promoObj.DOWNLOAD_S5 = {
price: this.promodata.course.s5.products.dl.price,
code: this.promodata.course.s5.products.dl.code
promoObj.BOX_S3 = {
price: this.promodata.course.s3.products.cd.price,
code: this.promodata.course.s3.products.cd.code
promoObj.DOWNLOAD_S3 = {
price: this.promodata.course.s3.products.dl.price,
code: this.promodata.course.s3.products.dl.code
promoObj.BOX_S2 = {
price: this.promodata.course.s3.products.cd.price,
code: this.promodata.course.s3.products.cd.code
promoObj.DOWNLOAD_S2 = {
price: this.promodata.course.s2.products.dl.price,
code: this.promodata.course.s2.products.dl.code
promoObj.BOX_L1 = {
price: this.promodata.course.l1.products.cd.price,
code: this.promodata.course.l1.products.cd.code
promoObj.DOWNLOAD_L1 = {
price: this.promodata.course.l1.products.dl.price,
code: this.promodata.course.l1.products.dl.code
promoObj.TOSUB_01 = {
price: this.promodata.online['1M'].price,
code: this.promodata.online['1M'].code
promoObj.TOSUB_03 = {
price: this.promodata.online['3M'].price,
code: this.promodata.online['3M'].code
promoObj.TOSUB_06 = {
price: this.promodata.online['6M'].price,
code: this.promodata.online['6M'].code
promoObj.TOSUB_09 = {
price: this.promodata.online['9M'].price,
code: this.promodata.online['9M'].code
promoObj.TOSUB_12 = {
price: this.promodata.online['12M'].price,
code: this.promodata.online['12M'].code
promoObj.TOSUB_24 = {
price: this.promodata.online['24M'].price,
code: this.promodata.online['24M'].code
promoObj.TOSUB_36 = {
price: this.promodata.online['36M'].price,
code: this.promodata.online['36M'].code
promoset[name] = promoObj
const request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.open('POST', `${window.server}/promoset`)
request.onload = function() {
const result = JSON.parse(request.responseText)
self.formResult = {
result: result.result,
message: result.payload
self.isSubmitting = false