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'use strict';
// generated on 2014-08-12 using generator-gulp-webapp 0.1.0
// run with --stage to bring {"stage": true} into templates
//For default task
//var configsrc = 'pageconfigs/eande/gulpconfig_eande_catalyst.json';
//var configsrc = 'pageconfigs/eande/gulpconfig_eande_vertical_business_bruce.json';
var configsrc = 'pageconfigs/catalogs/gulpconfig_catalog_fra_devSPO.json'
//Full set of configs for full site build
var configs = [
// 'pageconfigs/catalogs/gulpconfig_catalog_ita_devSPO.json',
// 'pageconfigs/catalogs/gulpconfig_catalog_deu_devSPO.json',
// 'pageconfigs/catalogs/gulpconfig_catalog_esc_devSPO.json',
// 'pageconfigs/catalogs/gulpconfig_catalog_esp_devSPO.json'
// 'gulpconfig_content_central_french_dev.json',
// 'gulpconfig_content_beginners_french_dev.json',
// 'gulpconfig_content_conversational_french_dev.json',
// 'gulpconfig_content_future_french_dev.json',
// 'gulpconfig_content_history_french_dev.json',
// 'gulpconfig_content_learnfast_french_dev.json',
// 'gulpconfig_content_live_french_dev.json',
// 'gulpconfig_content_phrases_french_dev.json',
// 'gulpconfig_content_pronunciation_french_dev.json',
// 'gulpconfig_content_studystrats_french_dev.json',
// 'gulpconfig_content_whylearn_french_dev.json',
// 'gulpconfig_catalog_albert_english.json',
// 'gulpconfig_catalog_albert_french.json',
// 'gulpconfig_catalog_albert_italian.json',
// 'gulpconfig_catalog_albert_german.json',
// 'gulpconfig_catalog_albert_spanish.json',
// 'gulpconfig_catalog_albert_spanish-spain.json'
var gulp = require('gulp');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var lo_ = require('lodash');
var args = lo_(process.argv.slice(2))
.filter(function(v){ return v.match && v.match(/-.+/) })
.map(function(v){ return v.replace(/^-*/,''); })
.reduce(function(a,v){ a[v] = true; return a; }, {});
//for binding business logic into the generator.
//Previously we get RSI.json by running: copy(JSON.stringify(RSI()))
//in Chrome console on http://www.rosettastone.com/lp/sbs/sitewide/
//Now update 'RSI_###.json' to correct pricepoint in the following line.
//each pricepoint rsifile exists in this repo.
//TODO: gulp flag implementation for rsi
var businessdata = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(__dirname + path.sep + 'RSI_SPO_199.json') );
// load plugins
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')();
// will be true || false. Allow us to do "if (prod) {..}" when building
// ie, gulp build --type production
var prod = $.util.env.type == 'production';
gulp.task('styles', function () {
var cfgobj = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(__dirname + path.sep + configsrc) );
if(cfgobj.styles instanceof Array && cfgobj.styles.length <= 0){
var destext = cfgobj.dest;
var stylessrc = cfgobj.styles || 'build/styles/*.less';
//Styles are templated with a more limited set of data (from config.json#content)
return gulp.src(stylessrc)
.pipe($.template( JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(__dirname + path.sep + configsrc) ).content || {} ))
"options": {
"no-ie-compat": true
.pipe(prod ? $.minifyCss() : $.util.noop())
.pipe($.autoprefixer('last 1 version'))
.pipe(gulp.dest('deploy' + (destext ? destext : '') + '/styles'))
gulp.task('scripts', function () {
var cfgobj = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(__dirname + path.sep + configsrc) );
var scriptssrc = cfgobj.scripts || 'build/scripts/*.js';
var baseopts = scriptssrc ? {base: 'build/scripts/'} : null;
var destext = cfgobj.dest;
return gulp.src(scriptssrc)
//.pipe( $.jshint.reporter('default') )
//.pipe( $.jshint.reporter('fail') )
.pipe(prod ? $.uglify() : $.util.noop())
.pipe(gulp.dest('deploy' + (destext ? destext : '') + '/scripts'))
gulp.task('assets', function () {
return gulp.src('build/assets/**/*')
gulp.task('promos', function () {
return gulp.src('build/promos/*')
gulp.task('pixels', function () {
return gulp.src('build/pixels/*')
// moves files from build/assets to deploy/assets
gulp.task('move_assets', function () {
return gulp.src(['build/assets/*'], { base: 'src' })
function langbranch(_obj, _key) {
if(!_key || !_obj)
return {};
var ret = {};
var keys = Object.keys(_obj).slice();
if( ~keys.indexOf(_key) )
return _obj[_key];
keys.forEach(function(v){ ret[v] = langbranch(_obj[v], _key); });
return ret;
function RSI(e) {
function n(e) {
if (typeof e != "object")
return [];
var n = [], r = t.slice(), i = [], s;
for (var o in e)
e.hasOwnProperty(o) && i.push([o, e[o]]);
var u;
if (!i.length)
return [];
while (s = r.pop()) {
u = !0;
for (var a = 0, f = i.length; a < f; a++) {
var l = i[a][0], c = i[a][1];
if (!s[l] || s[l] !== c)
u = !1, a = f
u && n.push(s)
return n
var t = businessdata;
t = t.concat([
// {
// family: "fitbrains",
// cat: "eng",
// lvl: "monthly",
// sku: "98392",
// media: "subscription",
// promokey: "TOSUB_12",
// msrp: "19.95",
// price: "15.95",
// cart: "https://secure.rosettastone.com/us_en_store_view/checkout/cart/add/sku/98392/category_id/eng/?pc=achieve_12M"
// },
// {
// family: "fitbrains",
// cat: "eng",
// lvl: "yearly",
// sku: "98393",
// media: "subscription",
// promokey: "TOSUB_12",
// msrp: "99.95",
// price: "79.95",
// cart: "https://secure.rosettastone.com/us_en_store_view/checkout/cart/add/sku/98393/category_id/eng/?pc=achieve_12M"
// },
// {
// family: "fitbrains",
// cat: "eng",
// lvl: "twoyear",
// sku: "11111",
// media: "subscription",
// promokey: "TOSUB_12",
// msrp: "299",
// price: "6.25",
// cart: "https://secure.rosettastone.com/us_en_store_view/checkout/cart/add/sku/11111/category_id/eng/?pc=achieve_12M"
// },
// {
// family: "fitbrains",
// cat: "eng",
// lvl: "lifetime",
// sku: "11111",
// media: "subscription",
// promokey: "TOSUB_12",
// msrp: "299",
// price: "2.99",
// cart: "https://secure.rosettastone.com/us_en_store_view/checkout/cart/add/sku/11111/category_id/eng/?pc=achieve_12M"
// },
// {
// family: "kids",
// cat: "eng",
// lvl: "monthly",
// sku: "98396",
// media: "subscription",
// promokey: "TOSUB_12",
// msrp: "299",
// price: "19.99",
// cart: "https://secure.rosettastone.com/us_en_store_view/checkout/cart/add/sku/98396/category_id/eng/?pc=sitewide"
// },
// {
// family: "kids",
// cat: "eng",
// lvl: "yearly",
// sku: "98397",
// media: "subscription",
// promokey: "TOSUB_12",
// msrp: "69.99",
// price: "69.99",
// cart: "https://secure.rosettastone.com/us_en_store_view/checkout/cart/add/sku/98397/category_id/eng/?pc=sitewide"
// },
// {
// family: "kids",
// cat: "eng",
// lvl: "threemonth",
// sku: "99109",
// media: "subscription",
// promokey: "TOSUB_12",
// msrp: "19.99",
// price: "19.99",
// cart: "https://secure.rosettastone.com/us_en_store_view/checkout/cart/add/sku/99109/category_id/eng/?pc=sitewide"
// }
return e ? n(e) : t
function getbusinessdata(rqst) {
var basereq = !!rqst ? {cat: rqst} : {};
//console.log('Preparing Business Logic For:');
return function(_index) {
return RSI(lo_.extend(_index, basereq));
//prefixing styles for AMP process, which needs inlined styles, so 'styles' must be done prior to 'html''
gulp.task('html', ['styles'], function gulphtml() {
var cfgobj = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(__dirname + path.sep + configsrc) );
console.log('processing: ', configsrc);
var localedata = __dirname + path.sep + 'build' + path.sep + 'assets' + path.sep + 'localedata.json';
var localeobj = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(localedata) );
var htmlguides = cfgobj.html;
var contentdata = cfgobj.content;
var tagsource = langbranch(localeobj, 'en');
var cfgsource = [];
var indexbasename = "";
var destext = cfgobj.dest;
while (htmlguides.length) {
(function preparetemplates(_t) {
tagsource[_t[1]] = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + path.sep + _t[0]);
if(_t[1] === "index")
indexbasename = _t[0].split('/').pop();
//apply content variables to tagsource
!!contentdata && ( tagsource = lo_.defaults(tagsource, contentdata) );
//apply business logic using the getbusinessdata function (which should use the same source as Landing Pages, to maintain a single point of truth.)
!!contentdata && ( tagsource = lo_.defaults(tagsource, {"getbusinessdata": getbusinessdata(contentdata && contentdata.content_langcode)}) );
tagsource = lo_.defaults(tagsource, {"crosssell": getbusinessdata()});
//SAM: put custom functions you want to expose here.
tagsource = lo_.defaults(tagsource, {gettoplvl: function(o) {return (getbusinessdata(contentdata && contentdata.content_langcode))(o).sort(function(a,b){return a.lvl === b.lvl ? 0 : a.lvl<b.lvl ? 1 : -1})[0];}});
tagsource = lo_.defaults(tagsource, args);
//console.log(langbranch(localeobj, 'de'));
return gulp.src(cfgsource.length ? cfgsource : 'build/*.html')
.pipe($.template( tagsource ))
.pipe($.template( tagsource )) /* 2nd pass to localize template html */
.pipe(prod ?
collapseWhitespace: true,
removeComments: true,
minifyJS: true
: $.util.noop())
.pipe($.rename(function renamehtml(path){
if ( indexbasename == (path.basename + path.extname) )
path.basename = "index";
.pipe(gulp.dest('deploy' + (destext ? destext : '')))
gulp.task('website', ['styles', 'scripts', 'html', 'assets', 'promos', 'pixels'], function () {
return gulp.src('deploy/**/*')
//for gulp full, we only need to move assets and promos once.
gulp.task('websitefull', ['styles', 'scripts', 'html'], function () {
return gulp.src('deploy/**/*')
gulp.task('clean', function () {
return gulp.src(['deploy'], { read: false }).pipe($.clean());
gulp.task('build', ['website'], function(){ return typeof nxt === "function" && nxt(); });
gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function () {
//NEW FULL: only does assets, promos, and pixels once.
gulp.task('full', ['clean'], function () {
function runconfig(cfg) {
if (!cfg.length)
nxt = null;
return 1;
console.log('Processing: ' + cfg.slice(-1).pop() + ', #remaining: ' + cfg.length);
configsrc = cfg.pop();
var nxt = function(){ return runconfig(cfg); };
gulp.task(configsrc, ['websitefull'], function(){ return nxt(); });
gulp.task('stage', ['clean'], function () {
businessdata = lo_.map(businessdata, function(v){
v.cart = v.cart ? v.cart.replace(/https/, 'http').replace(/secure/, 'secure.stg') : '';
return v;
function runconfig(cfg) {
if (!cfg.length)
nxt = null;
return 1;
console.log('Processing: ' + cfg.slice(-1).pop() + ', #remaining: ' + cfg.length);
configsrc = cfg.pop();
var nxt = function(){ return runconfig(cfg); };
//define a task, with the name of configsrc, which will:
//1. run the website with current cfgsource, which is set above
//2. recursively run this function with cfg length reduced by 1
gulp.task(configsrc, ['website'], function(){ return nxt(); });
//run the task we just defined.
gulp.task('connect', function () {
var connect = require('connect');
var app = connect()
.use(require('connect-livereload')({ port: 35729 }))
.on('listening', function () {
console.log('Started connect web server on http://localhost:9000');
gulp.task('serve', ['connect'], function () {
gulp.task('watch', ['connect', 'serve'], function () {
var server = $.livereload();
// watch for changes
]).on('change', function (file) {
gulp.watch('build/**/*.css', ['styles']);
gulp.watch('build/**/*.less', ['styles']);
gulp.watch('build/**/*.js', ['scripts']);
gulp.watch('build/**/*.html', ['html']);
gulp.watch('build/assets/*.json', ['assets']);
gulp.watch('build/promos/*', ['promos']);
gulp.watch('build/pixels/*', ['pixels']);
gulp.task('fresh', ['connect'], function () {
var server = $.livereload();
// watch for changes
]).on('change', function (file) {
.on('ready', function(){
//setTimeout(function(){ server.listen(9000) }, 2000);
gulp.watch('build/**/*.css', ['styles']);
gulp.watch('build/**/*.less', ['styles']);
//to autoreload for AMP - can remove later
gulp.watch('build/**/*.less', ['html']);
gulp.watch('build/**/*.js', ['scripts']);
gulp.watch('build/**/*.html', ['html']);
gulp.watch('build/assets/**/*.*', ['assets']);
//gulp.watch('build/assets/*.json', ['assets']);
//gulp.watch('build/images/*', ['html']);
gulp.watch('build/promos/*', ['promos']);
gulp.watch('build/pixels/*', ['pixels']);
/* gulp pages
* performs 'gulp full' on a directory in /pageconfigs
* e.g. 'gulp pages --catalogs'
gulp.task('pages', function () {
var args = process.argv.slice(3);
var dir = args[0];
if (typeof dir==="undefined") {
console.log("No directory argument given, using default...");
return 1;
dir = dir.replace(/^--/g,"");
fs.readdir("pageconfigs/" + dir, function(e,f){
if (e) {
console.log("Error: Directory '"+dir+"' not found in pageconfigs");
console.log("Example input: gulp pages --catalogs");
return false;
configs = f.filter(function(i){return i.match(/\.json$/)}).map(function(i){return "pageconfigs/"+dir+"/"+i});
module.exports = gulp;