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Rule: TestingFamily_Cart
Status: deactivated
This rule loads a tag that creates an mbox in cart.
Since there are no tests running in cart, this is deactivated.
Also, mboxes can be created in the HTML - no need to be in DTM
Rule: AnalyticsPage_Demo
Status: active but excluded from freetrial cart - fixed regex
This rule was targetting the LP "/freetrial" by its URL, but
the freetrial cart also has "/freetrial" in the url, so it was being
fired there as well. Regexp has been updated to exclude freetrial cart.
Rule: PixelsFamily_Global_Exclude_Homeschool
Status: (PENDING CONFIRMATION) active but excluded from freetrial cart
There is a regexp that exluces this rule from some cart pages:
(\/multicheckout\/multipage\/ | \/checkout\/onepage\/ | \/multicheckout\/multipage\/smart\/)$
I assume it's safe to add the first and second page of freetrial cart to that expression
Rule: PixelsFamily_Global
Status: (PENDING CONFIRMATION) active but excluded from freetrial cart
There is a regexp that exluces this rule from some cart pages:
(\/multicheckout\/multipage\/ | \/checkout\/onepage\/ | \/multicheckout\/multipage\/smart\/)$
I assume it's safe to add the first and second page of freetrial cart to that expression
-- may break tracking on those pixels
(steelhouse, twitter, facebook, google, snapchat, schema app, bizible, yahoo gemini, yieldmo, bing, criteo, pinterest, taboola)