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<div class="tabs">
<a href=""
v-for="(obj,i) in $store.state.entries"
:contenteditable="$store.state.mode == 'view' ? false:true"
:class="{active : $store.state.activeEntry == i}"
v-if='$store.state.entries.length && $store.state.mode == "edit"'
export default {
methods: {
* Adda an entry to the entries array. Entries must be in format
* {title: 'a tab title', content: 'paste content}
addEntry ()
this.$store.commit('ADD_ENTRY', { title: 'untitled', content: '' })
// Make new entry active
console.log('Active: ', this.$store.state.entries.length-1)
this.$store.commit('SET_ACTIVE_ENTRY', this.$store.state.entries.length-1)
//this.$store.commit('SET_CONTENT', '')
* Because the tabs are <a> tags with contenteditable
* enabled, when we focus out of the tab, we update
* the title in the model
saveTabTitle (e)
this.$store.commit('SET_TAB_TITLE', {
index: e.target.dataset.index,
value: e.target.innerText
* When we click a tab, we set content of the textarea
* to that tab's object's content
onTabClick (e)
let index = parseInt(e.target.dataset.index)
this.$store.commit('SET_ACTIVE_ENTRY', index)
if (this.$store.mode == 'view')
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
@require '~assets/variables'
margin-top 7px
box-sizing border-box
position fixed
width 100%
text-decoration none
color #777
background lighten(#ccc, 35%)
border-radius 40px
padding 5px 20px
box-sizing border-box
display inline-block
margin-right 10px
font-size 90%
outline none
font-weight bold
background #cbd7e2
color $blue
color #fff
background $blue
padding 4px 8px
margin-right 0