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# Arch Linux install script
# @author sqram http://sqr.am
# Assumes you use a whole disk for OS, no partitions.
# If you want to use partitions such as /boot /home /var,
# create them manually. mount them manually, and don't use this.
# This will use /dev/sda and /dev/sda1. always.
# This is how i always set up my system, so it caters to me.
# change it according to your own needs if you want
arch_chroot() {
arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash -c "${1}"
echo -e "what is the \e[1;36mUSER\e[0m to create besides root? "
read arch_user
echo -e "what is your \e[1;36mHOST\e[0m name (user@hostname)? "
read arch_hostname
echo -e "what is the 3 letter \e[1;36mDEVICE\e[0m to install on? (usually sda)? "
read arch_device
# making it sda1
set passwords for root and new user
echo -e "Set passwd for \e[1;31mROOT\e[0m"
echo ROOT password:
arch_chroot passwd
echo -e "Creating user \e[1;32m$arch_user\e[0m"
arch_chroot "useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash $arch_user"
echo -e "Set passwd for \e[1;32m$arch_user\e[0m"
arch_chroot "passwd $arch_user"
echo "root ALL=(ALl) ALL" > /mnt/etc/sudoers
echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /mnt/etc/sudoers
#curl https://storage.googleapis.com/www.sqr.am/sqram-install2.sh -o /mnt/home/$arch_user/sqram-install2.sh
cp sqram-install2.sh /mnt/home/$arch_user/sqram-install2.sh
arch_chroot "chmod 777 /home/$arch_user/sqram-install2.sh"
arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash -c "su $arch_user -c /home/$arch_user/sqram-install2.sh"
#arch_chroot "/home/$arch_user/sqram-install2.sh $arch_user $arch_hostname"
# unfortunatelly, because this script is broken into two parts
# the variables here are lost in the installation script pt2.
# try to find a way to use a single script only. the issue is that
# when you call arch-chroot, you're in a new shell and this
# script halts -- or -- pass these variables as arguments to
# sqram-install2.sh (currently doing this)