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09:00-10:00 a Joe Armstrong 'ok we had our fun, so now lets get serious'
10:10-10:50 e Tiago Garcia 'Lazy-loading ES2015 modules in the browser'
11:00-11:40 e Barak Chamo 'The Sound of JS'
12:40-13:20 c Adam Simpson 'Build your own tools with electron and react'
13:30-14:20 c Ruth John 'lets talk about midi'
?14:10-14:50 e Heather Migliorisi 'Accessible SVGs'
17:10-17:50 f Andre Henry 'Threads, processes and the death of Moore's law'
18:15-19:15 a Scott Hanselman 'JS and the rise of the New Virtual Machine'
09:00-10:00 a Alison Randal Free Software, Free Society CUZ
10:55-11:00 d Will Dages internet connect christmas tree and its upgrades, related
11:50-12:30 d Bradley Holt offline first
12:40-13:20 f Kevin Zurawel conversational interfaces
17:10-17:50 d Andrew Dunkman Executing JavaScript Across Browser Contexts
17:00-22:00 (tour 8pm) Andy Warhol Museum Technology Tour
09:00-10:00 a Laurie Voss npm past, present, future from the CTO of npm
10:10-10:55 b Brad Frost style guides: atomic design
11:50-12:30 d F. Deweert practical look at HTTP/2 and examine some of its core features
14:20-15:00 f Barak Chamo Generative Art with JavaScript and CSS
17:00-17:50 e Micah Godbolt 'road runner rules'
18:15-20:15 a Richard Stallman Free Software Movement, GNU